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  1. PopeCrisco

    Would a 2 by 2 by 3 be sufficient for a single mother plant?

    Thanks, I am still learning a lot about this plant and gardening in general, I guess I was worried about the hight, but that assuages my fears about 3 feet being a tall enough space! In retrospect a silly question to post into the world, but I do appreciate all the input!
  2. PopeCrisco

    Would a 2 by 2 by 3 be sufficient for a single mother plant?

    Need is a strong word, outside of getting my girls to flower, lol. Really I want to play around with cloning. I have a Durban Poison seed from a local dispo that I would like to turn into a tent full of plants, if I get lucky with germination and sexing, and I would like to find a pheno that...
  3. PopeCrisco

    Would a 2 by 2 by 3 be sufficient for a single mother plant?

    For context, here is my very crowded tent.
  4. PopeCrisco

    Would a 2 by 2 by 3 be sufficient for a single mother plant?

    So with spring on its way I got really ambitious on my starts, and I have more seeds on its way. I also have 3 girls at about 11 weeks, and holding out another 8 to 12 weeks till my starts can be moved outdoors to flip into flower is not looking favorable. My plants are healthy, showing...
  5. PopeCrisco

    Blaze & Daze

    Mornin, from the headquarters of The Church of the Sacred Capybara. Pope Crisco blesses you with the sweet intoxication of cannabis and coffee. Be kind.
  6. PopeCrisco

    Brothers Grimm seeds

    Their seeds have a high germinated rate for me, like of the about 30 I have started, maybe 27 popped, and most were super super quick. had one die on me within 48 hrs, but otherwise all seem to be healthy. Wish I could report on the quality of the bud.
  7. PopeCrisco

    My kitten got into my tent little bas#@#

    Yeah, my dude killed a jalapeno seedling earlier this year. Last spring he killed 2 of three clones I purchased for my first attempt to grow outdoors. The boxer made short work of the third lol.
  8. PopeCrisco

    My kitten got into my tent little bas#@#

    I have a cat who will rush to the backroom whenever he hears the heavy zipper of the tent opening. He has learned that he shall not enter the tent. He has not learned to not eat the leaves of my plants when I am trying to care for the girls. If he can reach them by leaning on the base of the...
  9. PopeCrisco

    Blaze & Daze

    Early spring has been a cawk tease of all cawk teasers since taking up gardening.
  10. PopeCrisco

    1212 Seed Company - Fem Seed Giveaway!

    1212 was not on my radar tbh, but when browsing their website they had a tangie backcross that made me emote like a cartoon wolf. not to mention the updates they have been sharing in their breeders thread. I am a little sad I went all in with my current grows, lousy legal state limits...
  11. PopeCrisco

    1212 Seed Company - Fem Seed Giveaway!

    Thank you!
  12. PopeCrisco

    Pope Grows Dope

    Well, the grow tent continues to get fuller. I did finally clip down a lot of those tomatoes. Live an learn, little lost, and I still have cuttings that I hope to propagate. Of my recent starts we had a triplet in one of the 222 cells. Might have had a twin in the C99 cells, but I was...
  13. PopeCrisco

    Brothers Grimm seeds

    Romulian and Airborne Sitting at 7 weeks since planted. More prone to bulk up than grow out. LST clips have help spread her out a lot.
  14. PopeCrisco

    Brothers Grimm seeds

    I'm actually growing it now. Stout MFer.
  15. PopeCrisco

    Brothers Grimm seeds

    Wrong strain
  16. PopeCrisco


    I was able to successfully pull the extra seedlings and replant them. Thanks for the suggestion!
  17. PopeCrisco

    Brothers Grimm seeds

    They are also very active/responsive on insta and reddit, which is a bonus in my book.
  18. PopeCrisco

    Brothers Grimm seeds

    Gotta say, their transparency is great. This was in a marketing email from them.
  19. PopeCrisco

    First time tomato grower could use some advice please

    Second year gardener here. I support San Marz. I could eat them off the vine. Made me fall in love with homegrown tomatoes. This year I am growing Red Cherry Chocolate Cherry and Small Cherry Yellow Bush Cherokee Purple Abe Lincoln Roma San Marz. I am looking for a favorite...
  20. PopeCrisco


    1 - I have 14 planted. (I also have the simple DIY clone in water method going for the 3 girls I have in veg. ) 2 - 12 have germinated thus far. I would love to have another 100% germ rate from brothers grimm, and will let these girls do their dance here for a little longer. 3 - I posted this...