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  1. D

    Need advice brother and I are growing in my apartment and all is going well.....juss wanted some1 to help when needed bec outside info is the best
  2. D

    my first grow

    hi i was reading about your and my brother are finishing our grow and its going pretty successfull.....if you want to get CO2 in the room quick and easy without having to make it juss go to a sports authority or whatever sporting goods store and buy a paintball co2 can and get it...
  3. D

    Hydroponic Question!!!help!

    Well I am growing in two different types of hydroponics systems.....I have some plants in buckets and then me and my brother made an ebb and flow system...We got the supplies from walmart...2 10gal storage tubs and then we put them on top of each other and have pipes running fromone to the...