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  1. C

    Sativa VS Indica

    ^^^i stick to the greens yo no hard shit here
  2. C

    Sativa VS Indica

    fuck it i'll smoke anything but generally... wake n bake- sativa school- sativa lacrosse- sativa movies/tv- indica parties/night time- indica but i'll take anything, heh
  3. C

    Help, first time issue

    thanks, that what i thought it was i just found a $5 in the laundry room in addition to the $4 i got, so one more and off to home depot i go! haha i need a fucking job
  4. C

    Help, first time issue

    ok ok, so i finally made the decision to try to grow a plant, hopefully it will turn out a nice mature female, but you never know... so i got a few seeds from a friend and started one, the others will be grown after i feel comfortable (i live with my parents) i started the paper towel in...