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  1. EmeraldGreenGal

    Should I prune fan leaves?

    That's great, thank you. I just didn't want to reduce it's ability to fatten up during the flowering stage.
  2. EmeraldGreenGal

    Redlining (literally) at flowering stage

    That's really helpful to know - thank you! I'll keep an eye on it getting much worse - I just want to get this lady over the finish line. I'll do things a LOT differently next year - and make a whole new bunch of mistakes!
  3. EmeraldGreenGal

    Redlining (literally) at flowering stage

    That's good to know, thank you! Next time I grow I'll be looking a lot closer at my nutrients I use etc. I was kind of winging it this time.
  4. EmeraldGreenGal

    Redlining (literally) at flowering stage

    I'm not familiar on 'drain to waste'? But I water to run off and the run off is discarded if that's what you mean? Coming into the winter she's been getting less sun so I've actually just bought a light to suppliment it. She doesn't seem to have any other issues though so I'll consider it a suntan
  5. EmeraldGreenGal

    Should I prune fan leaves?

    Hi folks, I was just wondering if I should prune the yellower fan leaves of this plant? I already cut off a few to allow more light flow. Should I cut off the yellowing ones to allow the energy to go into producing buds? I see some people's photos of flowered plants that look like they are...
  6. EmeraldGreenGal

    Redlining (literally) at flowering stage

    I'm coming up on the end of my first grow and I've encountered a ton of issues, but I've most been able to identify them, and either fix it or learn from it. However I'm noticing that as each plant goes into the flowering stage, I see these reddish-purple lines appearing on them in places. Is...
  7. EmeraldGreenGal

    Do you have a minimum harvest weight before the cost outweighs

    Where I live it's the equivalent of $350+ an oz so the startup costs of my small greenhouse I build this year will be made back even with a tiny harvest! (I use only a really small amount of green a month though ... long story).
  8. EmeraldGreenGal

    1212 Seed Company Giveaway and 50% off Sale

    Squeeeeeeeee! It arrived! Thank you so much to @Senokai (Bonus squee - I finally figured out how to open those 'pinch here' bags :cool: ) Pucks of: Uptown Orange ❤️ Jetfuel Gelato x Dirtstick Blood Orange x Sour Tangie Vials of: Sour Tangie x Sour Tangie (x2) Purple Mountain Squirter
  9. EmeraldGreenGal

    Spider Farmer New Product Season & Giveaway(Oct - Nov)

    Congrats to the winner @DeadHeadX ! @Spiderfarmerled this system looks amazing and would be awesome for a greenhouse grow! While I like to check on my greenhouse ladies daily, I wonder if the neighbours are getting suss of me taking the hose out everyday!
  10. EmeraldGreenGal

    Is this ready to cut and hang

    My uneducated eye would say yes. You look to have around 7-10% amber in your trichomes and all of the pistils are brown and curled.
  11. EmeraldGreenGal

    Also Autumnal Harvest

    I think my last 2 autoflowers are maybe 1 to 2 weeks away from harvest...
  12. EmeraldGreenGal

    Spider Farmer New Product Season & Giveaway(Oct - Nov)

    I'm in Ireland and the new Spider Farmer 32 Pint Dehumidifier is EXACTLY what I need right now :D We are such a damp, wet country and whilst is gives us our famous "emerald green" lushiousness, it also brings mould and mildew with it! I recently placed a dehumidifier into my greenhouse to help...
  13. EmeraldGreenGal

    Best high end auto genetics / strains that wreak of skunk

    I grew some Bloody Skunk Auto that has a very skunky scent when growing but super smooth to vape once dry.
  14. EmeraldGreenGal

    1212 Seed Company Giveaway and 50% off Sale

    ☺️ Wow! Yay thank you so much, and what a cool way to pick the winners
  15. EmeraldGreenGal

    Spider Farmer or Migro for supplimental outdoor lighting?

    That's actually great to know, especially as it will be going outdoors and so cable management isn't as simple as if it were indoors. Thanks!
  16. EmeraldGreenGal

    Spider Farmer or Migro for supplimental outdoor lighting?

    The goal is to only have them on during, or close to, what might be daylight hours anyway. But yes, if I need to move things indoors I will. Hoping to be able to harvest the remaining ladies by the end of October though, fingers crossed.
  17. EmeraldGreenGal

    Medicgrow Autumn Sale Alert!

    Hi there, Does your EU store have a sale on? I notice the rollitup discount code doesn't work in that store? Thanks.
  18. EmeraldGreenGal

    Spider Farmer or Migro for supplimental outdoor lighting?

    Hi folks, I have my ladies outdoors in a greenhouse and they are doing okay, but a couple have gone into flower later than I thought (it's my first grow). So with the Autumn going on I've gotten them a heater and want to buy a good light to supplement the sunlight, just to get them to harvest...
  19. EmeraldGreenGal

    Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

    Hi there I'm thinking if getting the G3000 from your EU website. I was just wondering if you have any active discount codes for RollItUp members? Thanks!