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  1. S

    Day 48 leaves all going yellow

    What's up with your soil? You say your plants are drinking a lot, are you watering enough to keep the soil moist? How often are you watering vs fertilizing? Like are you giving nutrients once a week and water the rest of the time? How many liters of fertilized water are you giving your plants...
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    Unstable pH

    You've been growing for years, how are your results? If you've been using citric acid, and it's been working, do you really need to change anything?
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    High tap water ph for supersoil

    1 Tablespoon, or 1/2 oz of dolomite lime per gallon of soil is pretty good. 5 gallons of Ocean Forest should probably go about a month. After that, I don't know if soil pH becomes a problem, or if it's lack of nutrients causing the problem. Either way, after about a month Ocean Forest (or most...
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    High tap water ph for supersoil

    I agree about not pH'ing the water, and I would just use it without adjustment. Then brew up some compost tea or earth worm casting tea every couple of weeks to make sure the microbes are going strong and keeping your soil pH in the proper range. I don't think a little citric acid here and...
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    First few weeks flower tips

    Whammy! They do look bigger!
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    First few weeks flower tips

    What are you feeding your plants, or how are you fertilizing them? Your plants look like they are growing strong, real thick and bushy. So maybe nothing is "wrong." But is it possible that next time you could feed less nitrogen in veg and grow plants that are less leafy and bushy?
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    3 X 3 tent: Updayday 500 watt light? 400 watt MH bulb? HLG300RedSPec? 2X Viparspectra XS1500pro?

    Yeah, too much light for for the 3 x 3. Sell the updayday and the vivaspectras and get a bigger tent.
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    3 X 3 tent: Updayday 500 watt light? 400 watt MH bulb? HLG300RedSPec? 2X Viparspectra XS1500pro?

    I would try to find some way to combine the metal halide and the 300rspec. LEDs can struggle in the winter if temps are too low. And 400 watts of metal halide isn't a lot of power. Together, the problems are solved.
  9. S

    50/50 Coco/Peat mix for base super soil

    I like to add some coco chips to peat based soil. I like the big chunky pieces and gnarly fibers way more than dust-like coir. I feel like the different textures and sizes keep the peat based soil from getting too tightly packed and hydrophobic. And I feel like this makes it easier to water and...
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    Earth juice bloom nitrogen.

    The Bloom also has oat bran, which can have nitrogen too. The newer "Sugar Peak" Flowering and Grand Finale don't have that stuff.
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    The whole way through? Thanks! That will be hard to mess up.
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    Guano Questions

    Is guano good just because it's got lots of Nitrogen or Phosphorus? Or is "special" because it has other benefits for plants, besides it's value as fertilizer? Will High P guano produce better results than something fish bone meal or a bunch of rock phosphate? And is there much difference...
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    What's the best way to use the alfalfa? Is Triacantanol for veg or flower?
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    If that sounds dumb, check out the foop website, everything is like 30% and buy 2, get 1 free right now.
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    What's up man, nice grow! I used the Foop nutrients too. I thought they were pretty cool, but I they are expensive. So I looked at the ingredients, Fish Excrement Kelp Volcanic Ash Fish Hydrolysate You could get some Fish and Seaweed fertilizer, Fish Sh!T soil conditioner and Molasses on...