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  1. J

    Tall, skinny plants VS short, thick dense plants

    what you can also do to keep the plants short and bushy is topping them or using LST. I would clone your plants and when they get 5 solid nodes top or FIM the plants. This will let the lower growth grow making ur plant more bushy than tall. I've never done LST but that involves bending the plant.
  2. J

    Nutes and water cycle question.

    I'm growing in soil too.
  3. J

    Nutes and water cycle question.

    This is my first grow and I've been using RUI for pretty much all of my information. I have 6 females grown for a week in 12/12.:hump: Right now I'm feeding them with a low dose of Bud XL but will probably run out within the next week or so. I'm kinda on a budget grow so I was wondering what...
  4. J

    Where do you measure temperature?

    you want the ambient temperature to be around 75-85 degrees. The plants can stand a much higher radiant temperature (direct heat from the lamp). I would say put it in the shade near your plants.
  5. J

    Time limit on growing. any suggestions?

    Hi, My roommate and I recently got 7 plants from a friend. We had to transplant them into bigger pots, only 1 died, R.I.P. Another one was a male so we killed it. They are now finishing their 5th week and all 5 are female. Each of them are under 2-26watt daylight cfls. We also started 2 more...
  6. J

    Segregating plants for optimal bud AND seed production?

    One thing you can consider is changing the air flow ->-> hit the females first ->-> then the males ->-> then vent out of your area. Just something to consider.
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    I would try raising the light to a like 10 inches or so. The clones don't really need much light to begin with because they need to focus their energy on root growth, rather than photosynthesis (I think thats how it spelled.). Hence less light.
  8. J

    ?? Cfl question ??

    i would try and get some daylight cfl. the soft and cool whites are fine, but the daylight cfl has the best light spectrum for veg.
  9. J

    Cheap Air Condition substitute

    you could also use dry ice in the cooler. it would cool the area and add co2 to your grow room, which allows the plant to survive in higher temps.
  10. J

    Lining of Closet GrowCab

    whoa, thats some trippy wrapping paper. that paper looks like it reflects unevently, so it might cause some hot spot and burn your plants. I would say use mylar, or panda paper, I get it for $1.25 for a 10'X1' sheet at my hydro store. or u can use emergency blankets from walmart, its a shiny...
  11. J

    Red stalk

    what lights are you using? if your growing under cfl the stems and branches turn red. my plants have a red stem and stalk
  12. J

    Plant hasnt grown.. help wit nutrients?

    how much light does it get? is it near anything that would cast a shadow over it? and depending on where you live the sun might not generate as much light as it would in the summer. what kind of soil are you using? if u want you can use a cfl grow set up in ur closet with a small fan and a...
  13. J

    CFL and HPS

    if you can, i would use both hps and cfl during flowering
  14. J

    quick lighting question

    I was wondering if i can put a 60 watt CFL in a regular light socket? and if not where can i get a converter to run one?
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    New to growing need help

    i dont think that it will be worth it this early in the growth. the small plants dont use that much co2 anyways
  16. J

    marijuana plant at 13 days

    if its stretching out too much then u need to move the light closer.
  17. J

    Few problems with plants(Help needed, pictures inside)

    yea i would say that they are too cold. whats the temp? how close do u have your lights. it looks like they are too far away. u want to keep it 1 to 2 inches from the plant.
  18. J

    High resolution 3rd week flower White Widow pics

    damn that is a frosty motherfucker.