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  1. smokinrav


  2. smokinrav

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Why the fuck is it so hard for me to access this site? You fucking with me @rollitup? Get your endgame done you coward.
  3. smokinrav


    And all that remains is what will China do?
  4. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    A trillion dollars a year the State Department and DOD want for foreign bases. A year! We could send all Americans to college free for that. End hunger in The US. Deal with poverty. Oh wait. That'll help the poors. Fuck them, I hear McDonnell Douglass has a new jet coming out. Cum spews.
  5. smokinrav


    I should have included 'weaker'. My bad.
  6. smokinrav

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Oh, this would be ironically funny if it wasn't true. But it is. So Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., who leads the Senate Republican campaign arm, released his own "11-point plan to rescue America" that calls to raise taxes on millions of poor families and other right-wing priorities. The plan also...
  7. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    It will be over in days. They're already surrounding Kiev. Probably take it by tomorrow or the next.
  8. smokinrav

    All Along The Watchtower by many varied artists

    And another from Tedecshi Trucks Band Angel from Montgomery > Sugaree
  9. smokinrav

    All Along The Watchtower by many varied artists

    Instead, how about a Bonnie Raitt cover of one of my favorite John Prine songs
  10. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    I can't wait to see them face off with American cops. They won't fuck about like the Canadians lol
  11. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    This is another Putin flex. He can't stand the rest of the world is doing without him. He can see the writing on the wall about fossil fuels and is scared for his country. He sees another 1989 moment in the future if he doesn't act out.
  12. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    No. I'm 56, been out for decades. But I love my soldier brothers and sisters.
  13. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    I'll still give you likes for good posts, but here, you're out of your depth.
  14. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    You probably don't know what AIT is lol
  15. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Forgetting? I survived basic training and AIT. THERES NO FUCKING FORGETTING THAT SHIT
  16. smokinrav

    All Along The Watchtower by many varied artists

    Beautiful. This was going to be my next post!
  17. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    I'm a soldier. Regular army. I feel this shit in my soul. Have you spent any amount of life defending your country?
  18. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Whats your question? Enabling the bare chested coward is the worst possible outcome.
  19. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    American and nato cowardice will literally kill us all
  20. smokinrav

    All Along The Watchtower by many varied artists

    When the Levee Breaks by many varied artists