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  1. joe900x

    clone of a clone of a clone of a clone.....

    you're referring to animal clones, when you say this. since yes, animal clones do originate from one cell (usually a empty cell transplanted with genetic material) a 'true' clone is a separate organism genetically identical to the parent, regardless of how it began. So a plant 'clone' is...
  2. joe900x

    why do people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to say something stupid?

    your freedom of speech wont protect you when i punch you in the face for saying something stupid :hump:
  3. joe900x

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    this question was once explained to me as :joint::joint::joint: timespace never equals zero because both are a concept of both relative quantities. Time is relative and is a concept of our own creation (time doesn't exist without us creating it). Therefore there is no 'beginning' nor is there...
  4. joe900x

    The Secret

    Perhaps discount isnt the right word. Its never a failure if you learn from it of course. The word 'failure' is a loaded word. It assumes that there was nothing to gain, therefore whatever it was that was failed, is considered a 'failure'. If you are constantly learning from your mistakes...
  5. joe900x

    The Secret

    thats the point isnt it? arent all failures in life supposed to be discounted? it just a broader sense. By not defining yourself with failure, youre not a failure. i dont introduce people by my name followed by what i didnt accomplish in life.
  6. joe900x

    hey im joe. joe is the perfect name for me, im exactly that. just joe. just.

    hey im joe. joe is the perfect name for me, im exactly that. just joe. just.
  7. joe900x

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    i think its too soon to lose faith in Obama changing our drug laws. What we need is more time to educate. Change doesn't happen overnight, all we need is just to keep up the momentum. FDR brought great change to this country and turned it out of the rut it was stuck in, and it took him 12 years...
  8. joe900x

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    NO Rodney King got the shit kicked out of him by the LAPD after he got caught racing away from the cops. The protest and riot was because all the cops were acquitted. That had nothing AT ALL to do with weed. so again, NO who the fuck cares what mexico thinks if we legalize weed. They will have...
  9. joe900x

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    so you're saying that as soon as we legalize weed, gun-toting mexicans will enter our borders enacting revenge on any American that buys American weed? right. i think you're missing the big picture.
  10. joe900x

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    :wall: There isnt a drug war over chiba, its over smuggling narcs. Thats the point of legalizing mj. There shouldn't be a "Scarface" mentality associated with handling mj, as there is when you are dealing with coke or heroin. It should become an average joe hobby rather than an illegitimate...
  11. joe900x


    Hey guys. I just joined and I'm baked outta my mind, looking for information on growing for next year. I'm a 19 year old still living in the dorms until next year, with gardening experience (from helping my dad), just wanna grow next year as a hobby of sorts. yeayeayea