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  1. widdow sensation

    fucking attitude...

    attitude are the nuts i love them sorry to hear of you bad news glad they caught it in time
  2. widdow sensation

    Predicting Yield

    one oz a plant is it worth it all the risk i wont do any unless there gonna give me at least 3 - 4 oz a plant the worst i have ever done would be 2and q oz off one i use square pots 12 ltr canna a and b nutrient for flowering i add canna accelerator boost or spoon mollases under a 400...
  3. widdow sensation

    hows things buddy on my next grow staring blueberry blue cheese white siberian apple jack and...

    hows things buddy on my next grow staring blueberry blue cheese white siberian apple jack and red cherry berry and bulldogs haze cant wait three week from seed looking good il post some photos soon how u been mate u up to much hope to speak to u soon widdow
  4. widdow sensation

    Ventilation Problems

    is there no way u could exhaust in to a sewers pipe or man hole seems like u would be pushing alot of air from the shed to the top of your house would it be that effective as it would have to travel a long way a friend of mine did a grow in his shed had same problem were to exhaust the air he...
  5. widdow sensation

    Need advice on my set up

    you wouldnt get more than 1 plant in there realy u would need it to get bushy and tall like a christmas tree i would go for the next size up that will do 4 plants comfortbly use i light 400 hps 5 " extractor and filter 2 oscilating fans and a make some co2 from yeast and sugar put two bottles...
  6. widdow sensation

    1st generation or 7th generation which is best PLEASE HELP

    anyone shed any light on this subject
  7. widdow sensation

    1st generation or 7th generation which is best PLEASE HELP

    i have been told from the start to always go with first generation but now a few people have been telling me that 7th generation is Gauranteed to have no seeds and a quicker grow than normal can anyone help on this subject only want professional advice please
  8. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    think thats best for the mean while til they move then i can get started on the hole in the sewers this way all they can smell is shit lol got me loft kited out for autoflowers so this will keep me busy for now im gona totaly seal everything i used tumble dryer sheets for a while to mask the...
  9. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    thanks malik sounds very intresting i will defanatly give it a whirl thanks man when i start my room i will do a thread on my grow start to finish
  10. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    zem have u heard the saying loose lips sink ships trust i dont let anyone know what im doing around my area i keepthings very hush the only people that know is me and my cuz and i trust him fully i think the neighbour heard the fans and timmers switching on and off and of course the smell but...
  11. widdow sensation

    You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!!

    that sucks bro u should go kick the fuck out of him and get your shit back make sure that cunt knows take him up the woods jokers hope u get sorted mate
  12. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    not good mate why cant people mind there own neighbour is moving this month hopefuly thats what i have heard anyway so its gonna be back on may do autoflower aks 48 in loft and when neighbours gone do shed to get them in quick im gonna do some esearch and redesign my room in shed move exhaust...
  13. widdow sensation

    thanks man gonna give it a shot would u say hey grow to 14 " or so do they smell strong to...

    thanks man gonna give it a shot would u say hey grow to 14 " or so do they smell strong to thanks widdow
  14. widdow sensation

    hi mate just looking at your grow journal ak one autos do u think it was worth doing do they get...

    hi mate just looking at your grow journal ak one autos do u think it was worth doing do they get tall i have around 3 ft to play with til neighbour moves i could get twenty mybe were i am just wondered if it was worth doing was seriously thinking ak any suggestions thanks widdow
  15. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    thanks devero thats handy to know that will defanatley smell alot better than stinky cheese wofting through the air do u wreckon my plan will work if i vent into sewers my room is approx 4 x 4 and height is roughly 8 ft i usualy put 5 in or so i have a airforce small fan certainly kicks out some...
  16. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    my neighbour is a complete prick bro tryed to be nice look after his kids when they needed it sign for parcels all the things we do for our neighbours but these ones are jokes even the estate agent knew who rents his house so god knows who else knows thing is i dont tell a soul what im doing or...
  17. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    thanks bro im going to do shed when they move completley start again repaint recover walls seal all holes up with that foam filler like u say. The only thing i can think that may of leaked the smell is the air coming in it was coming under shed door in to my room through a hole cut in door to...
  18. widdow sensation

    Is Anyone Else's RIU Fucked Up?

    lol yeh mines fucked to cant go to my profile or anything jokes
  19. widdow sensation

    smell problems causing problems with neighbours

    hi i just bough a rhino 5 " filter only been used 2 months or so im not sure if it was the noise that was coming from my shed with the exhaust blasting out or the smell i smoke constantly the moan about me smoking in the garden lol told him to fuck off once already cheecky bastard keeps poking...