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  1. sez420

    3 600w or 2 1000w? which is better

    For my next grow ill be getting a 5x10 tent and im trying to figure what would be the best set up 2 1000w or 3 600w. I like the 1000s cuz obviously they put out alot of lumins but im thinking with the 600s i can get better coverage. any opinions
  2. sez420

    cannoeing leaves??? wtf (pics)

    help? please someone??
  3. sez420

    cannoeing leaves??? wtf (pics)

    you think 830 ppm is to much food? as far as the water the roots touch the water and i also have sprayers spaying them on a timer 30 on 30 off i moved the light so hopefully that helps i germed them on memorial day and they were doing so good but now to think of it i did bump the feeding...
  4. sez420

    cannoeing leaves??? wtf (pics)

    so you keep frozen water bottles in the rez and rotate them out as they get warm? does it damge the roots
  5. sez420

    cannoeing leaves??? wtf (pics)

    For the last two days my little master kush girls from seed started to curl up while its not too bad yet i want to jump on it asap. i heard that its genetic with some strains. Im feeding them general hydroponics growth strength and my rez is 10 gallons but I mix it to 6 gallons cuz ive burned...
  6. sez420

    im a noob please tell me if this is mildew or salt build up (pics)

    everything was going good until i got this residue on my babies. I rinsed them off in tap water they are 1 1/2 weeks from seed master kush. im using general hydroponics and my ppm is 633 i was misting them with nute water, im a noob and i dont know if i should do that or not. at first i...