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    I think They have the Wilts

    I had the same problem i still do but my plants are getting better i believe its the tap water and the pH . My problem #1 was that my meter was off by 1.4 so imagine i was feeding them really acidic water my second problem was that the ph in the water fluctuated to much and it killed off all m...
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    1 week old yellowing

    alrite no watering only manually once a day and no nutes lol i just gate to anxios i do keep the ph at 5.6 an i keep the lights at 3 feet away
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    1 week old yellowing

    thx i will stop over watering them and just stoped adding nutes an im gona set the timer to 5 mins 6 times a day . i kinda freaked out so i added two teaspoons of nutes in my 10 gallon bubbler i fixed my heat problem i just added a utility fan facing out and it takes the heat out
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    1 week old yellowing

    one of the leaves is yellow an brown an shriveled what can i do to fix this?
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    1 week old yellowing

    there called cotyledons or embryonic leaves . I know there suppose to turn yellow but at 3 weeks its bearly week 1 is that ok?
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    1 week old yellowing

    I feed them 6 times a day for 10 to 15 mins and i just put nute rite now but they were like this a couple of days ago and i had fruit flies which i killed. I have a 400 watt hps
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    1 week old yellowing

    two of my six plants have yellowing bottom leaves . I dont know if its from the heat or i used tap water and the water here is super chlorinated or it might be over watering?? help?
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    Hekp !st timer noob

    yeah next time im getting a 1000 watter. hopefully it wont pass 90 degrees with the fan its usually around 84 avg in there. I cant afford mylar film rite now is it ok to put aluminum foil so it reflects light? and is it ok to check up on them alot i get anxios an check on them like every 3...
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    Hekp !st timer noob

    Yeah im sure with all these lights its enough cuz dosent a 400watt enough for 8 to 12 plants . I got another question say i bought some good seeds and i let the male and females grow together so i can harvest the seeds my friend says that the male is what produces seeds but dosent the female...
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    Hekp !st timer noob

    Man im really low on cash im saving up for a inline fan with carbon filter which is around 150 to 200. At Walmart they have these 17 watt grow lights which it says it produces enough to compare with a 75 watt an there only $10 bucks how many extra would i need to support all my plants? say i...
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    Hekp !st timer noob

    To be honest i dont know much about the LED i had them for along time an i forgot. thx 4 the tips i wont overload my ballast lol. I thought that if i dont change them to a bigger pot size it would stunt their growth? So would these kits i have now last me through flowering to? Im also worryed...
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    Hekp !st timer noob

    I know these pic sucks i took them from my phone i also move the T8 closer to the plants and i dont know if the LED lights are 17 watts im sure there around 5 to 15 watts each. Any help is appreciated
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    Hekp !st timer noob

    I need some help I got a lot of questions. I germinated some Reggie seeds cuz I don’t want to spend good money on seeds that I might mess up. If I successfully grew reggie would it make a difference in THC would it be better plants? I bought one 8 site bubbler kit with 3" inch net pots...
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    Are these what I think they are???

    Tranny lol that just cracks me up I can just imagine
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    How Much Money can i make off 1 plant ?

    If that dude really wanted to find out how much u can get ask your near by dealer 4 a estimate lol. I got a question though i seen ppl make 3000 watt hydro setups isnt that alot just for one person i assume there making a profit out of it isnt that wrong to?
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    Hydrotron VS others

    Im new to this and trying to figure out what What is the best to grow hydro in? what is the cheapest? I know theres rocks, rockwool and clay . Does it effect the way it grows?
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    Mr green setup questions

    Im new to this im trying to do a hydro setup like mr green on his vids .I got most of the things down except the tray and resovuar tubbing stuff. I need a list of the parts needed to make a home made hydro setup. Like the exact measurement of the tubbing and fittings. This is what i got 400 watt...
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    Mr green setup questions

    Im new to this im trying to do a hydro setup like mr green on his vids .I got most of the things down except the tray and resovuar tubbing stuff. I need a list of the parts needed to make a home made hydro setup. Like the exact measurement of the tubbing and fittings. This is what i got 400 watt...