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  1. C

    Buy seed in the US? what is the Law

    I'm not sure what the U.S. laws are in regards to purchasing cannabis seeds. I'd assume that doing so would be illegal, seeing as how the substance they become/produce is currently prohibited. Check your states' website in reagards to this, also, try googling this question.
  2. C

    First time growing, questions inside...

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if I would be able to grow a few good, or at least decent size plants in this closet (pictures fo closet space will be uploaded tomorrow 3/5/09) I have 2 light reflectors and an area that I believe is 2' x 5' to work with (the closet is bigger, but I'm only wanting...
  3. C

    2 or 3 plants in this closet?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if I would be able to grow a few good, or at least decent size plants in this closet (pictures fo closet space will be uploaded tomorrow 3/5/09) I have 2 light reflectors and an area that I believe is 2' x 5' to work with (the closet is bigger, but I'm only wanting...
  4. C

    odor control

    I just started growing myself, and the best advice I can think of is this, use something to mask or eliminate the odor. I've been told that buy burning heavily scented candles and using febreeze (or any other odor eliminator) will cover up the odor(s) pretty well. Again, I just started growing...
  5. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    I will, thanks again
  6. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    Cool beans, hopefully this works out for me...and thanks for all your help
  7. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    So, would it be a good idea I bought 2 of the 65 watt bulbs and 2 of the 2 pack 23 watt (2700K) bulbs and just focused on growing 1 or 2 plants? (Since I'm growing indoor, I'm not worried about fucking up, I've got plenty of seeds, and can grow year round)
  8. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    Right on, last thing...I promise, lol would these be good bulbs to use during my plants veg. state? (I plan on having them in the veg. state for 2.5-3 months, then I'm going to move onto the flowering stage) 6500K...
  9. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    Thanks a lot man...thankfully I have more seeds germinating, so I'm not totally screwed, how many should I get, of each, since I'm only shooting for a few plants?
  10. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    Are there any major retail stores that sells the necessary bulbs needed in order to grow? Again, this is my first time growing, and I'm only looking to get 1 or 2 small, but good sized plants. I'm a little frustrated, simply because I messed up when it came to getting the proper lights. Anyway...
  11. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    Nice pics man, what was the number of watts used in the bulbs you were previously using?:blsmoke:
  12. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    I have another question, when looking at CFL Flourescent bulbs, show I be looking at the bulb's watt output or the equivilant output? I.E. if a bulb that has 26 watts and is equivilant to a "standard" bulb that gives off 90 watts, which listed set of watts should I be looking at?
  13. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    Damn, I wish I still had the packaging, I'd return the bulbs I bought if I could. Oh well, you live and learn, thanks for the reply though.
  14. C

    Phillips 75 watt agro lite plant light?

    I'd like to know the same thing. I bought 2 of the lights today and installed them, being that this is my first time growing, and I'm offcially broke now that I've bought all the essentials, fertilizer, soil, pots, etc. I was wondering if I could get a decent supply of bud while attempting to...
  15. C

    When to look for females help please!

    onenumcat, I was just wondering, what techniques are you using to encourage the rate of females being produce and discourage the number of males being produced? I just planted 6 seeds yesterday (I have more that are germinating) and I'm wondering how I can increase my odds of getting all, or at...
  16. C

    Outdoor grow in Colorado?

    Hey guys, I just planted 6 seeds today (several of which had been previously germinated) and I was wondering this. Would I be able to grow some good, or at least decent, quality plants here in Colorado? I'm still learning about the proper way to grow cannabis, but seeing as how this is my first...