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  1. LOG1CO

    Sexing this early?! Really?!

    Extremely insightful and helpful. Thanks a lot guys!! Good thing I asked lol.
  2. LOG1CO

    Sexing this early?! Really?!

    I figured it was pistils because of the location of its growth (right at the inner joint of the main stalk and secondary branches, that's my first and most mature node in particular)
  3. LOG1CO

    Sexing this early?! Really?!

    So the thing growing right inbetween the joint of that first node and the main stalk, is actually growth of an "internode"? So the joint of two stems is growing a third stem in between?
  4. LOG1CO

    Sexing this early?! Really?!

    Sorry but this is my first time, and I've seen plenty of examples of males vs. female, but I wanted a second opinion. Its only day 12 today. A few days ago I mistook the stipules for pistils, but today I noticed something else around the corner from the stipules. Am I looking at a calyx, from...
  5. LOG1CO

    NOT growing but TOO SMELLY!!

    Oh well maybe the jar isn't air tight, problem is when i open it the room reeks for like half a day... n i guess ill try those bags i dont get how it would be airtight just from rolling but its worth a try.
  6. LOG1CO

    NOT growing but TOO SMELLY!!

    that's wht you'd think... thing is last time he gave me slightly lower grade kush and it was fine as long as the jar was closed... it was also only a quarter ounce... but now he gave me better stuff n warned me about the smell and he was correct lol it just fucking reeks
  7. LOG1CO

    NOT growing but TOO SMELLY!!

    oh and i am studying hard... the stuff isn't for me ;-)
  8. LOG1CO

    NOT growing but TOO SMELLY!!

    only issue with that is that i dont have a vaccuum i can readily use every time i open the bag... any other suggestions??
  9. LOG1CO

    NOT growing but TOO SMELLY!!

    Okay so I got merely an ounce of this kush, and its fucking great... problem is it reeks wayyy too much. Im in a student residence that consists of a kitchen and two bedrooms. But even in an air tight jar, within a tupperware, my room mate can smell it before he even opens the apartment door so...
  10. LOG1CO

    Cleaning Bongs With Alcohol

    thanks dude that sounds perfect. Im gona find that or something like it.
  11. LOG1CO

    Cleaning Bongs With Alcohol

    Has anyone else by any chance noticed the altered taste and harshness you get from smoke, after cleaning your bong? That is when you clean it with alcohol or listerine in combination with an aggregate like salt mix or rice. I've found with a few bongs, whether glass or plastic, that...
  12. LOG1CO

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Alright I have a question good sir. My mom just found my one plant in my closet. She made me "turn the light off", as her main concern was the fire hazard of a decently hot lamp, especially considering that its merely a 23w cfl, being in a closet full of clothing. Regardless of that situation...
  13. LOG1CO

    IT'S ALIVEE!! Not well, plz help!

    Wow, all very super helpful thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I really appreciate it. I don't really understand how i could allow the seed to sit in there for long because in the past two times when I left it in the paper towel for 24 hours after it first sprouted, it died. I...
  14. LOG1CO

    IT'S ALIVEE!! Not well, plz help!

    oh wow, i didn't know the drainage should be that durastic. It makes sense though because its only been a couple hours and the soil is dry already :-? OH MY GOD. I JUST REALIZED I'M USING TOP SOIL. NO WONDER THERE WAS NO NUTRIENT INDICATION ON THE BAG. WHAT SHOULD I DOOO!!!
  15. LOG1CO

    IT'S ALIVEE!! Not well, plz help!

    hmm thats why i feel the slits arent working.. water barely goes through =S i will widen those immediately! How long should it take to go through? couples minutes? And can anyone give a nice rule of thumb or advice for HOW MUCH water to give and HOW to give it... pouring out of a water bottle...
  16. LOG1CO

    IT'S ALIVEE!! Not well, plz help!

    should i create actual small holes as opposed to these slits? I feel like water would have a difficult time going through with only the help of gravity.
  17. LOG1CO

    IT'S ALIVEE!! Not well, plz help!

    yes there several slits on the bottom and theres a hollow ring platform style thing holding it on a plate; I also have several pieces of small gravel mixed in with the soil. Well those are the facts, I can't really say how well its actually draining, I have nothing to compare to.
  18. LOG1CO

    IT'S ALIVEE!! Not well, plz help!

    this baby has just pushed its way out of the soil during only midway of its second day (2nd light cycle of 20/4). As shocked as I am, I'm glad she's up BUT I worry for a couple visible reasons. a) She's got a brown spot on her (first leaf, second is very green but still emerging from under the...
  19. LOG1CO

    calling ALL CRITIQUES!! tiny op, 1st timer.

    i wouldn't be surprised, but my previous seeds that germinated looked plump and juicy compared to this one (that one root). Thats why I'm worried I think. I do have a backup though at least and they're both supposed to be feminized. God knows what strain though. :joint:
  20. LOG1CO

    calling ALL CRITIQUES!! tiny op, 1st timer.

    yeah makes sense, understood. And it probably isn't more than like 76 degrees in there. Fan I will have in the box... intake at the bottom, exhaust at the top leading into co2. Both cpu fans. wow so it'll sprout out of soil without light eh.. so much for my last minute trip to the store before...