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  1. W

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hey man i'd really apreciate some knowledge please. i'm currently a couple of days from harvest (i think). i'm doing mr nice g13xhash plant in soil using organic nutes biobizz. i flushed for 9 days 2 more to go and leached them all about 4 days in, but the leaves still look a healthy green with...
  2. W

    Skunk smell

    skunk how long did u flush for and did u use organic or toher?
  3. W

    Welcome New Members!

    hey mr ganja, just hopin for some advise pls. i'm a couple days away from my 1st harvest(mr nice g13xhash plant) 8 weeks. but they are shooting new pistils out everywhere. what does it mean n what shud i do?
  4. W

    Clone Help

    new member here. i am just abt to flip my babies to 1212 but b4 that i want t take 18 clones. ive got a humidity dome, but need to know what lights to buy to root the suckers. n e help or previous exp would b greatly apreciated