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  1. G

    Soil ph at 7.8... Need help. How to lower?

    i know its probably not reccomended but i used chalk to raise alkalinity once. You'd probably have better luck with the ph up and down tbh dude
  2. G

    harvest now ??

    has been so sick im suprised its dong anything almost lost it like 3 times no camera unfortunately is gonna be turd but hey was fun
  3. G

    harvest now ??

    hi all, i have a flowering female but ive had a lot of problems with her and further development is taking a longer time than usual, i have never successfully flowered before so if i can see the calyxes reachin out an goin amber alost all the way down, is this the time to harvest ? thanks all...
  4. G

    whats wrong ! =o

    great cheers for the help duuude, take it easy peace out
  5. G

    whats wrong ! =o

    arf sorry im not being clear enough it has them three in it an them only, i thought it would be good enough, would i be better off buying some proper stuff ? only then the ph starts to go nuts
  6. G

    whats wrong ! =o

    oh shiza i jus mixed up reccomended allowance im really struck for cash at the moment, im using a organic tomato feed solution dilutes into water, it has npk so i thought it would be ok ish
  7. G

    whats wrong ! =o

    hi guys ive been doing some indicas for about 4 weeks and i think the nutrients in the soil might of run ooot jus need to clarify im not 100% though the bulbs are 20w equivalent to 100 watts of power an the size of the room is about a foot n a half by a foot squared, i have a organic solution...
  8. G

    slow yellow doom

    hey guys, im doing two littlens at the moment and growth development is going well, although i have this slow yellowing of the lower non fake leaves. i am not too sure what this is any ideas ? i heard sometimes it just happens and is not neccesarily bad any help appreciated
  9. G

    yellow streak problem

    hey all, i have 2 girls atm both in early veg. only one of them on one of the leafs has a smear yellow patch perpendicular to the leaf edge it doesnt seem to be too much of a problem as it is only on one of the leafs, any one have any idea why this is happening ? any contribution would help a...
  10. G

    flowery or no flowery

    hallo all, i started this plant a looong time ago like 3 months ago and somehow tis female , i wasnt treating it right and was under supplied with light, but thas all sorted now, and its shootin calyxes but has been like 2 weeks 12hrs photo period n no flowers are poppin up yet. any ideas why ...
  11. G

    calyxes are shootin but tisnt going well

    the flowers dun seem to be developing right im not too sure though
  12. G

    calyxes are shootin but tisnt going well

    hallo all, i started this plant a looong time ago like 3 months ago, i wasnt treating it right and was under supplied with light, but thas all sorted now, and its shootin calyxes but has been like 2 weeks 12hrs photo period n nothin is showin its face any ideas why ? i could take a photo but my...
  13. G

    blotchy patches in the middle of the fam leaves

    cheers dude tis prolly jus the amount if light theyre gettin, tis gettin blocked by my bend =( thanks again take it easy
  14. G

    blotchy patches in the middle of the fam leaves

    hi guys hope all is well, ive had this plant for about a month n a half and all has gone pretty much fine apart from my battle with acidity but all is well now with ph n such, ive been getting these blotchy patches in the center of some leaves and ive noticed it is spreading any ideas on what it...
  15. G

    yellow leaf tips

    hi guys i need some help and it would be highly appreciated, my soil is way too acidic and i need some cheap alternatives for ph up and ph down, any idea or has anyone been using any good techniques as ive heard white vinegar works for ph down but i dont know the dosage levels or nout. any help...
  16. G

    gettin pinched at yor parents house

    tis what is was thinking mygirls is well risky but they dont mind me doin it prolly prefer for me to grow than have to meet dicks who skank but the police have nothin much better to do tbh
  17. G

    gettin pinched at yor parents house

    hey all, just wondering if anyone has been in this situation, as im thinking about gettin my shiz together but im at my parents house an im worried about gettin pinched any one experienced this ? arg de typo lol
  18. G

    arrrrg yellow problems heeeelp

    hey all jus a quicky everything is going ok with it atm except for the leaves at the bottom are both slowly going yellow, the entire leaf not edges, and theyre not the ones that are meant to come off jus wondering is this likely to spread or will it effect the grow at all, input would be greatly...
  19. G

    yellowing of the bottom leaves

    cheers for the help guys keep up the good work
  20. G

    Help!! I Thought I Could!

    i had these problems except i was given cuttins an unfortunately they died growing from seeds atm, an ive not got much mula either but have been referred to fl's theyre meant to work wonders, compared to household bulbs lay ff the plant food though i been told roughly once a week max, other than...