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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Hi, I have read that putting your ladies under 24-48 hrs of darkness, prior to harvesting, increases potency/resin...what do you think?
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    what is lowryder like to grow/smoke?

    I have the most beautiful, photo-quality LR2 buds you've ever seen...beautiful. The problem is (and my husband & I both agree)...the potency is weak. I mean, we get high, but not what we're used to. Granted, this is our first harvest, but b/c the buds are so f###g gorgeous and huge and...
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    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    Great news...the beans, along with some freebies, arrived yesterday! Whew! Can't sow them now until after our summer trip, but I am looking forward to it!
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    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    My tracking from Attitude says it hit NY customs on 4/15 and USPS hasn't updated their I'm freaking out and worrying that they got stopped in customs. It's been over a week since my package has supposedly been in NYC (and I don't live in NYC) so I'm getting rather worried...
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    Fungus Gnats.. HELP!

    I've got them too...didn't know they were fungus gnats! oh no! i didn't have them until one of my ladies got into full bloom...I do wonder if they're attracted to the smell?
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    When To Harvest?

    Thx for taking the time to give that wonderful info!
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    Common Growing mistakes made by the new marijuana grower

    I have a med-small grow room and since i installed my stealth hydro CFL system (16K lumens!), it's pretty darn warm in the room (85+ degrees), especially towards the end of my babies' day. because it's so warm in the room, i raised the lights b/c i was worried about heat stress...any...
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    peat pellets

    That's what I just did today...I transplanted my germinated seeds (very good tails) into peat pellets...i'll let you know! :) I did notice, however, that I had to move my seeds to a warm climate (my grow closet vs. my kitchen) to get them to germinate.
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    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    Always nice to find reputable, quality seed banks...thanks for the tip!