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  1. S

    hardly any smell before harvest

    Thanks for all the replies, its just annoying when you spend so much time taking care of the plant n then to lose all its smell, there must be something you can give it to improve this or maybe it got to do with the strains im choosing, gonna grow out autoblueberry to see how I get on with them...
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    hardly any smell before harvest

    Hi All, Hoping someone can help me with this, a problem I always have with with my grows, I recently grew Super Silver haze Using Canna coco range which looked perfect all trough the grow, never any issues at all, then when it came to near the end of the harvest the nice weedy smell seem to...
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    18 weeks flowering super silver haze

    Yeh its supposed 2 be a 10 to 12 weeks flowering plant alright... I will get a pic up tomorrow.... Do you think it could be the temp causing the slow flowerin as the plant is perfectly healthy???
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    18 weeks flowering super silver haze

    Oh don't I just know... Just want to finish this one after the length of time I've spent on it ya know.... I wnder if I threw in a little heater beside it could it speed it up???? I'm even using "big bud" with the nutrients to get them bigger
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    18 weeks flowering super silver haze

    Hi there, dunno what's happening With this sshaze plant, it's growing fine trust me... Healthy as could be using advanced nutrients in a bubblepot hydroponics setup under a 250w hps setup... Now the plant is abou 5ft n 3ft in width and still flowering... Covered in long white hairs now for...
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    150w enough??

    Hi guys, I'm thinking of buying a 150w hps and was just looking for you opinion. I hava a gro space of 3ft X 3ft 6ft Height and wondering if the 150w hps would be sufficient enough or would there much improvement if I got a 250w kit? Cheers
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    Tiny brown spots(Like Measles)... Elp!!

    Hi there, Recently I Started flowering and my plant has started getting little brown dots on the bottom four leaves.... Lately I Sprayed some Epsom Salts on the leaves.... I also added some bio-bloom for the flowering period Any ideas???? Cheers...
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    Ready to flower but need advice!!

    Hi there, I am currently about to start flowering after 5 weeks of veg and was looking for advice on what ppl thought about my current setup and ideas on flowering with this setup..... Grow room: 1 Ft wide X 2 ft deep by 6 foot in height, 2 pc fans for cooling. Lights: 1 PURple Nlite 125w + 4...
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    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Hi max, Well I think it has givin me results anyway.. 18 and half inches tall now... Check my pics to see th e grow from start....
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    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Sorry didn't mean 12w, meant 125w.... Added four more 25w daylight fluoresent bulbs.... See how it goes... Gonna start flowering soon I think
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    Hmmm 125w PURple Nlite GrowLight???

    Hey $.1 Yeh I was gonna put up a journal alright. Have all the pics grow the start so might put them up today actually with dates n all....
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    Hey Max... I actually purchased mine from a local headshop in ireland... But I had done a good...

    Hey Max... I actually purchased mine from a local headshop in ireland... But I had done a good bit of research... I think your best bet is to email Nlite directly and ask about suppliers in US... So far the Light seems to be working fine, for some reason as soon as i changed from Ordinary...
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    Hmmm 125w PURple Nlite GrowLight???

    Hey everyone.... I was just wondering what people thought about this Grow light.... I purchased one myself thinking this was state of the art loike... My grow is about 6 weeks nearly I think and seems to be working fine BUT.... I will probably be flowering soon and was wondering if anyone...
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    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Here's an update on how the plant is coming along since the transplant!!
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    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Hey Brasmith, There two days ago I Transplanted the both plants in to much bigger pots and within a day the plant seems to be doing much better already.... Can I ask you opinion on this 12w Purple grow bulb with the size of the space I have.... word is that this kind of bulb can grow and flower...
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    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Hi Max, I'm actually in ireland and bought this light in the local headshop here... your best bet would be to send Nlite themselves a quick e-mail and see if the have any suppliers in US I'd say... Sorry I cant help
  17. S

    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Yeh, bit iffy about thta light too but decided to try something new.... Do you think the other leaves are ok?? sometimes they hang like that and if I put them out in the sun for awhile they seem to stand up properly?? I was told to get something like bat guano to increase the Nitro in the...
  18. S

    Bottom leaves yellow and plant drooping

    Hi there, My plant is now 4 weeks old and growing under a 125w PURple Nlite..... It seems to be going fine except in the last two weeks my Big Bud plants bottom set of leaves are turning yellow and I think dieing... I am using Miracle grow 24/3.5/16 once a week so I thought that it would be...