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  1. Workswell

    Help! My buds are drying too fast!!

    They are not drying too fast, a week is good, then to the jars. The hairs do not change color during drying. They are set on the plant. Typically buds harvested at the correct time should have about 70% of the hairs changed from white to reddish brown. A week of air drying 70 - 80 degrees. Then...
  2. Workswell

    4X4X7 non GHETTO grow

    Sure looks like it will work well to me!
  3. Workswell

    Is that finally a pre-flower?

    I call them "little clits"... really, you can ask my brother!
  4. Workswell

    Are these female? Help needed [PICS]

    New here but a 5 year hydro grower. I agree, it's a bit too early to say for sure but they look good. I probably would have vegged a while longer. As soon as I read up on the site, I will post some pics of my current: 2 super skunk and 2 kush, only 2 weeks through veg
  5. Workswell

    How am I doing?

    started with seeds from Holland. This is Mary-Ellen. seed start 12/29. changed to 400hps from cfl 3 weeks ago. started flower 3/6 way too close to the lamp now however need to start bending or super-cropping? request replies/suggestions/thoughts Thanks! Bill
  6. Workswell


    Thanks everyone. Never having heard of "super-cropping" but it has gained my interest after seeing the video. My only concern is: My girls are doing so well and are so beautiful. I worry about "hurting" them. I'm sure you understand, I've cared for them daily... they are like my children. Any...
  7. Workswell


    Thanks in advance for help... Growing aeroponics, grow room is 30"d, 48"w, 60"h. I run one 400 hps Changed to flower 6 days ago. Plants are now 39" tall. Running out of vertical space. Tops are 4" from hps fixture. The question is regarding bending. I want to do this right. (these seeds were...