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  1. yanksck73

    How can I reduce the humidity? W/o using dehumidifier

    dude rice. just put some plain white rice out in a tray and it will do the trick. You might have to change it weekly but who cares rice is dirt cheap.
  2. yanksck73

    help injured plant

    ok so i braced it with a pencil and some hemp string, no joke. but it's working so far.
  3. yanksck73

    help injured plant

    Thats good news. What did you support it with?
  4. yanksck73

    help injured plant

    Ok so i look in the grow room this morning and the chain that is holding my 150w HPS light fell. The light cliped one of the two plants near the top of the stem and she is bent 90 degrees at this point, about 8 inches from the top. The plant is 2 feet tall. The top 8 inches didn't get cut off...
  5. yanksck73

    changing my light times help!!!!!

    i recently did the same thing. Changed my light schedule 2 weeks into flowering, from 9am to 9pm to 2pm 2am and didn't see any signs of stress or hermies. This was 12 days ago and the plants look fine now. They were top 44 plants
  6. yanksck73

    My First Grow Top 44 pics

    I germinated and planted the mazar x afghan about two weeks ago and they are growing under florecent lights in a differeant room. The timer is set at 20/4 for the veg stage. I also have a clone you can see in there that is from one of the top 44 plants. One of the mazar x Afghan plants isn't...
  7. yanksck73

    My First Grow Top 44 pics

    Ok so they have been under 12/12 for 13 days and they are all females!!! I stoped feeding them the miracle grow fertilizer and started feeding them the bloom fertilizer at half strength every wattering. About once every 3-4 days. There are tons of pistils on all the bud sites and she's...
  8. yanksck73

    My First Grow Top 44 pics

    The Grow: 150w HPS sunsetter Light 5 Top 44 seeds 3 florecent tubes Miracle Grow Plant feed 12-4-8 Bloom Fertilizer 2-11-11 Miracle Grow Potting Soil Ok so this is my first grow and i'm learning as I go. I germinted 5 top 44 seeds using the paper towel method, all poped within 72 hours. 4...
  9. yanksck73

    BEST 600w HPS light on market ?? (value/price/best)

    i'm also interested because i'm going to buy a 600w HPS light soon. Anyone?
  10. yanksck73

    HPS or MH throughout entire grow?

    For the same watts HPS puts off more lumens. More light menas more bud. Also HPS lights are excelent for the flowering stage which is the most important (you want lots of bud right?). If you can only go with one go with a HPS.
  11. yanksck73

    Just looking for feedback

    She seems to be healthy and growing really fast for being under CFL's.
  12. yanksck73

    Just looking for feedback

    Congrats. You got a female bro
  13. yanksck73

    Check this out and let me know what you think

    I think is seems like a good buy for a couple reasons. A 400w MH/HPS swichable light, reflector and ballast usually runs around $350. Plus the set up includes: Hangers, thermometer, a ventelation fan, a timer and 10 pots. It also comes with advanced nutrient fertilizer that is worth over $100...
  14. yanksck73


    good luck man. Any hint on what the threat is?
  15. yanksck73

    White Berry 19 Days Flowering, Am I on track?

    Keep her going, all the pistils are still white. When about a 3rd change to amber/brown you can start thinking about harvest. BTW ur plant looks fucking awsome way to go. I got 3 top 44 females 2 weeks into flowereing and I hope they look like that when they are done.
  16. yanksck73

    6 week strains?

    top 44. Done flowering in 44 days or 6 weeks and stays pretty low. Get it at I bought 10 seeds germinated 4 in my first batch and got 4 females woot! they are 2 weeks into flowereing now and look great. Top 44 is not an auto flowereing dwarf, i veged mine for 4 weeks or...
  17. yanksck73

    Quick Watering Question

    I have my pots on top of a plastic grate so that water can drip out of the pot. I usually water every 3 days and water untill the soil is soaked through and water is dripping out of the bottom. I haven't really noticed any major problems yet but is this the proper way to water? or should I not...
  18. yanksck73

    HUGE yeilder with extreme potency?

    aren't we all?!?!?!?
  19. yanksck73

    light meter

    agree... you can always tell how much light your plants are getting by taking the lumens your light puts out and dividing it by the square footage of your grow area. For example: A 600w HPS bulb puts out 90,000 lumens. If your grow area is 3x3 you have 9 square feet. So your plants would be...
  20. yanksck73

    What the hell is this ???????

    its def not the lights cfl's won't burn the plant unless the plant is touching the bulb. idk it could possibly be over fertilized but i'm not sure why it's only on one side.