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  1. villagidit

    First Plant Should I cut it now ?

    It was inside for awhile then I moved it outside. Don't know what kind it is. Was left over seed from some I bought. Has been in this stage prob like 3-4 weeks maybe. Just want to make sure I cut at right time. Thanks for all the help to everyone. :hump:
  2. villagidit

    First Plant Should I cut it now ?

    Her is pic of biggest bud Is it time I have no idea.
  3. villagidit

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    I started a plant around Jan 8th. It is growing nice. You can see n my pics on profile. It is about a foot right now. Second laver of 5 leafs growing. How long before sex can be determined? and how long before i can get bud from it? Very getto set up. Just one plant ,tinfoil and plant grow...