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  1. W

    New Grow

    I had a plant half that size get root bound in a pot that small.
  2. W

    I'm going outdoors, why not it's Cali!

    Last I heard its a felony.
  3. W

    1st attempt CLF and Steath

    Day 6 After 3 days in my grow area the plants seem to be doing better now that theres a better CFL and its closer to them. I put some more soil in their cups and gave them a little water and thats all.
  4. W

    1st attempt CLF and Steath

    I forgot to add that I got a 6500k now istead of the 2500k or whatever it was. Thats why the last 2 pics are so much brighter. Also I moved the light closer to the plants today and boy did it make a difference! The leaves sprouted out instead of the stem shooting up! I cant wait to go to the...
  5. W

    1st attempt CLF and Steath

    Well this grow was inspired by a computer case grow in the forum. Its my first time growing at all and CFL looked to be the easiest route. As the title says, I want to be steathy. I only have my room to grow in, and the only empty space is in a part of my desk. The actual grow space in the...
  6. W

    2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good

    This is one of the best journals Ive read! Its very organized, up to date and full of pictures! This grow inspiried me to try it myself, just to see how hard it is. After it is a weed right? How hard can it be!;)