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  1. D

    Is this male of femals or herm?

    well guys all in all thanks for the help... i will cut back on the nutrients for a few days and keep a steady flow of water going through... Thanks vote 2 legalise your post was most helpful !
  2. D

    Sex while High (Poll)

    it feels better for me as the male... and my missus likes it too =]
  3. D

    A few questions.

    I have an area in my cupboard which i can sufficiently turn into a smaller growing area and have numerous fans etc lying around too set up for it. would the smell be noticable coming out from my cupboard?? as i have a 2 year old son who sleeps in the same room as us and dont want too be...
  4. D

    Is this male of femals or herm?

    i dont personally. but i am pretty sure someone on the level above me is growing and there is a chance that they have a male... i will take some clearer pics on my 8MP camera in te morning but the buds so far are about 1cm diameter... how can i help the plant too continue too produce properly...
  5. D

    any gamers here?

    deadspace, WoW, Crysis, Bioshock, Saints Row 2, Mercenaries 2 mostly all on computer... computer pwns
  6. D

    Is this male of femals or herm?

    I used image shack so i could have higher quality images uploaded so you could see them properly rather than the 2MB limiter on this sites upload thing
  7. D

    Gold Coast / Queensland Growers

    i am interested in talking too some other growers from the gold coast area too try and get some help with the growth of my next batch of plants. as well as this i would like someone whom i could pick their brain about various things such as best strains for growth here and so on... think of...
  8. D

    Is this male of femals or herm?

    I have just added the pictures, originally it started with white hairs now has big round seed pods which are seeming too start turning into flowers in some places
  9. D

    Is this male of femals or herm?

    yeah well guys i am at a loss becaus it originally started toobud as per normal with white hairs coming off everywhere... however over the last couple of days has been developinbg some "balls" which doesn't look good... Justr wondering what you guys think, i can try to get better pics if needed...