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  1. mtrollin420

    Cotton Candy

    what up everybody just stoppin by to say im smokin on some cotton candy, this shit is couch lock bongsmilie Cannabis Cup '09
  2. mtrollin420

    Ladies & Gentlemen ... Get your rocks off!

    bro im gonna have to go with durban mango, prlly one of the best nights ive ever had
  3. mtrollin420

    Lowryder2 X AK47 Feminized

    yo dude your in the same situation im in, im grown the same seeds, i plan on ordering them this week and start them up around 4/20..i wish the best of luck to you bro and hope we get some good nugget to blaze on
  4. mtrollin420

    Where can i get seeds to be delivered to the US

    word precitate it everyone, i think im gonna go with attitude though, seems like a pretty straight place
  5. mtrollin420

    Easiest and best seed i should grow outside in the southeast united states

    i was looking for some good suggestions on what seed i should get. i want something really easy[autoflowering] and some good nugget to smoke. i live in the southeastern part of the us if that helps any and im growing outdoors. all help will be much appreciated Cannabis Cup 09' see you there:hump:
  6. mtrollin420

    Where can i get seeds to be delivered to the US

    my buddy got some seeds from greenhouse seeds like a month ago, but they have since posted on there site that they do not shit to the US anymore. i was wondering if anyone could give me some sites that i could get some seeds from. all help is appreciated thanks. Cannabis Cup 09' see ya there:hump:
  7. mtrollin420

    growin outside help

    preciate it bro
  8. mtrollin420

    growin outside help

    whatsup everyone. first time grower here. i planted a dank bagseed about 2 weeks ago outside its about 6-8 inches tall and i was wondering if i could get an approximate guess on when i would start to see some bud if its a female, and a guess on how long itl take till it would be ready to chop...
  9. mtrollin420

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    yo man preciate u lookin for people needin help. i just started a plant outside 2 weeks ago its about 8 inches. its just a dank bagseed but if its a female can u give me an approximate guess on how long till i would be able to cut the girl down
  10. mtrollin420

    30 days flowering... 3 girls, 1 hermi.... pics

    hey man i just started some plants.. u said those plants are 30 days old?
  11. mtrollin420

    ACID or Shrooms

    yea to be completely honest acid is a better trip, its more contollable than shrooms. ive done shrooms alot and acid alot and id have to say i enjoy acid more.. but dont plan on sleeping for a while!
  12. mtrollin420

    Police Warning B/f Busting A Grow??

    bro theyll prlly wait to see if u go to them so they can charge someone with the plants
  13. mtrollin420

    Miracle grow

    i got 3 plants in some mg organic soil mix right now and they look great!
  14. mtrollin420

    the BEST soil?

    yo dude i planted a plant with some organic miracle grow mix and ive got mixed responses about it. u said it worked pretty good? did u grow outside? because i am
  15. mtrollin420

    First time grower, need a lil help

    i just started a plant last week. the weather started off good then got bad later in the week, the plant is doing fine minus a lil purple in the stem-"ive heard thats from being a lil bit cold outside". the seed is just a bagseed, i was wondering when i can expect to tell whether its female or...
  16. mtrollin420

    Do Black seeds grow as good as the green ones?

    i feel you bro i just started a couple plants down here in wilmington, nc.. the weathers been kinda bad but my plants are a week in and doin fine!