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  1. A

    First Grow

    Thanks for all the input guys more pics will be comin with growth
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    26 days from seed.. how they looking?

    cant tell yet man, your looking for little pistils that look like this, if you have em you have a girl.
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    26 days from seed.. how they looking?

    lookin good dude, i dont know if its good to let the ones on the side grow on an angle like the though. other than that, nice plants man.
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    First Grow

    there doing good and i got a few new pics, i have them all in the same area now as i just put the other too into bud cycle 2 days ago aswell, and the bud on the top of the sativa is sure growin.:mrgreen: overnight the plants just fuckin shot up, keep having to raise the lights:eyesmoke:
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    First Grow

    im using some 30-10-10 evergreen fertalizer, and for budding i am using schultz bloom plus 10-60-10
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    white widdow only 1 ft tall but bushy 6 weeks so far

    ya man a foot sounds pretty good for 6 weeks, is that six weeks from seed, or six weeks from germination?
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    First Grow

    My sativa i have in flowering is starting to bud, check it out. the brown spots are when it got to close to my cfl:fire:
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    new growth during flowering?

    I would say dont bother, but, almost any bud is better than shake, so if you feel its worth it, give it a try.:joint::peace:
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    Is it to early to clone?

    dude, you see the little tops comming out above the fan leaves, those need to be like, the size of a small plant, and have enough of a stem to plant in the dirt. so no. anyways plant looks nice man i got one that looks the same pretty much checkit
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    First Grow

    So I had these bag seeds for like, 4 years, and i decided to plant them, pure flouro grow. - a total of 5 cfl lights, 3 ott-lites, and 2 40w cool white cfl's. - then i got 4 30w flouro tubes lining the ground aiming up at the foliage. - tin foil and stuff lining the area -Im Using some...
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    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    yo man, nice plants, and also your seedling sorta looks like polyploid weed man. I dont no, awesome little green bastard though, nice n'd bushy:weed:
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    First Grow (Bag Seeds)

    Thats pretty cool, a lowryder in your bagseed, lucky man, i hope the shit i got turns out nice and dank!:eyesmoke:
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    3 weeks into flower..check it out

    I am also growing plants from bagseed, its kind of exciting like, mystery flavor doritos
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    First Grow (Bag Seeds)

    Thanks for the tip Pacman, and the genetics are unfortunately unknown (from bag seeds) The one in the grow box appears to be sativa, one looks, about half and half (maybe leaning towards sativa) and the other one looks mostly indica. I plan to get some nice seeds from the seed bank, maybe...
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    First Grow (Bag Seeds)

    Im planning on putting those 2 girls into flower in about a week, i have a small grow box with a small sativa plant about a week into flowering, the sativa is from a bagseed as well , it was a bit runty so i said fuck it, im going to try and put it into flowering just for kicks, now like a month...
  16. A

    First Grow (Bag Seeds)

    Im a long time stoner, first time grower, and just wanna show off my nice little plants, im growing with CFL, and Flouro tubes. - 3 25w OTT-lite's - 2 45w cool white cfl's - and 2 flouro tube fixtures with 4 30w cool white flouro tubes. - using miracle grow soil heres some pictures, there...