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  1. E

    Planned Aeropnic DWC system Thoughts

    So I plan to build this system I came up with and would like to get some current dwc growers opinions or tips. It will be built using a 3 gallon bucket within a 5 gallon. It will utilize the 3 gallon bucket as a aeroponic chamber and use no air pump for water oxygenation. I hope the 360...
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    its getting worse

    My thoughts are, you are over caring for your plants. Too much love is a easy thing to do when first starting. Its a weed man, let it grow like one, plant it and forget for days. Judging from your pictures I see 2 issues, over watering and several deficiencies due to lockout. My advice, get...
  3. E

    Need a new vented reflector. What to get for my space?

    I'm partial to the magnum xxxl 6" hoods. Large footprint and slim height, gives a couple extra inches of grow height and because of the large foot print you can keep light lower while still spreading it. Edit: +1 to the blockbuster, it's basically the same as the magnum just slightly smaller...
  4. E

    Problems in my first DWC grow (pics)

    Some wise words from Hotrodharley. You won't regret the decision to go hydro once you get it dialed in and it becomes routine. Reading the plant will come with time as you mess up here and there, most do, just learn from your mistakes and you will know how to fix it next time. Cannabis is a...
  5. E

    What is wrong with my plant?

    My cure all for soil was always flush the pot with proper ph'd water, no nutes. Have you done this? If you have, are you sure yo flushed enough, as in are you sure you ran enough water through the pot to really make the soil the same ph as the water you dumped in. Edit: over flush as I will...
  6. E

    Problems in my first DWC grow (pics)

    You haven't mentioned PH at all. If you haven't adjusted it you should, 6.2 is a bit high. Mind if I ask what light you will be using to flower with? Edit: Just saw your 12/12 from seed statement so I assume the LED's will be it. Goodluck with that, I will be interested to see how "she"...
  7. E

    Problems in my first DWC grow (pics)

    Lower ppm to 350ish. Lower PH to 5.6-5.8. Watch plant explode with new growth.
  8. E

    4x4x7 grow tent 400 hps

    For me this question is a little hard to answer without knowing the grow method, hydro or soil. My personal preference is to grow 4 large mature trained females. Others might say SoG style and that could be up to around 25 or more. If this is a soil grow, I would certainly do 4 larger...
  9. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    Sure, I guess I'll bite. Just because I don't have 3k posts doesn't make me a retard or inexperienced. For the sake of proof I guess I will shit on this guys thread because mrForumwarrior has a beaf with pc fans and me. I suppose your a guy that would say you can't use a window a/c as a water...
  10. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    I love how each person with no experience with these delta fans has a notion to prove that the world is flat. Should we turn this into a does LED lights work or maybe some other about how it only works if 99% of the public agrees.
  11. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    I recommend the pc fans, only because this is a stealth grow with very limited space. Sticking a 4" inline in your grow cabinet doesn't really even seem like a option to me. If it were me I would get 4 delta's and run a 4 into 1 for the purpose of reducing the fan speed. As I'm sure these...
  12. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    Theres no need to debate this anymore. Go read the pressure specs, the guy can make his own educated decision.
  13. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    Sure, why not... Here is 3 150cfm deltas pulling air through a xspc 360 radiator for my water cooling in a corsair 800d pc case.
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    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    Anyway, I was just trying to help the guy out, as I know more about pc parts then others, I was offering my expertise. I agree still that a AC powered inline fan is superior in general but this guy was set on a pc fan so I was "giving" him an option. If this was for some stealth speaker box...
  15. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    You can look at the data specs, , I know how much air it moves, I know the air pressure it can exert and I know how loud it gets. Are you out to be mrThreadwarrior? If I get banned for this post, I don't really...
  16. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    You are entitled to your opinion. I agree that inline duct fans are superior and better suited to the task. Though I also, disagree, a couple of these deltas will suck through a carbon filter with ease. At over 500cfm, these fans are no joke when running at 7k rpm. Meant for "sucking" air...
  17. E

    Are computer fans strong enough to pull through a small carbon filter?

    If you are set on using a computer fan and need some serious cfm, get a delta. Recommend, serious fans, these will remove fingers.
  18. E

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    Hi all, first post woot!! Anyway I thought now would be a good time for me to chime in with a cheapish DIY chiller. costs 150.oo-200.oo. Basically the only thing you need to buy is a window A/c unit, preferrebly one with a digital thermostat. with some work youll be able to get the...