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  1. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Thanks for the props. I haven't smoked any yet - I'm still curing. I will try some tonight and let you know because, like I said, I'm through with the cookies - very potent.
  2. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    I had about 20 grams of 7-day water-cured leaves plus bottom popcorn buds which I then dried on low heat in a dehydrator. I then made cannabutter with 1/2 lb of unsalted butter. These made about 30 peanut butter cookies. The cookies had absolutely no cannabis flavor, so I thought my recipe...
  3. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    A 4 hour ordeal to chop up my only plant. The main buds are just hanging on chains in my grow box, with the exhaust fan on for air circulation (no fan blowing on the buds). I've retained the resinous leaves and popcorn buds for water curing in 4 Mason jars. The plan is to change out the RO...
  4. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    I flushed with RO water today. A lot of burned leaves near the top that I trimmed off, probably from the heat of the lights. I cut off a little sample that I'm quick drying to see the potency at this stage. It looks like many of the trichs are turning milky.
  5. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Most of the leaves are brown on the edges and tips, and the leaves feel crunchy. I don't want to change anything now. I'll fert one more time at the next watering to give a couple of weeks fert-free before harvest. She fell over when I pulled her out to water (center of gravity is outside the...
  6. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    I flushed the lady today (1st time for a major flush). Many of the fan leave edges and tips have browned, so I want to start fresh by flushing out the nasties.
  7. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Thanks a lot! I chose CFLs for a couple of reasons: lower cost to buy and operate, and I feel they are safer. I think the key is to set up lights to try to reach the whole plant from close distances. I built a home made light fixture which allow a little placement. I then strung up a lamp...
  8. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Smelling plenty :weed:
  9. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Some pics entering 6th week of flowering. Nice flowery smell!
  10. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    She's liking her new home outside the box!
  11. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Well the lady has outgrown her home (about 4.5' tall now), so I had to string the lights up outside the box. I've essentially kept a grow box by opening the doors and putting the cabinet backing in the front to create the enclosure. I put a blanket over top for the roofing and to control the air...
  12. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    The lady is starting to grow some nice buds. No signs of resin yet, but I can't wait!
  13. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Well the lady is starting to outgrow the box. I moved the lights up as high as I could. Hopefully the growth slows. I killed the cuttings because they hadn't rooted after two weeks. Just as well because there is no room in the grow box.
  14. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Removed the weakest clone. She was not rooting. The other one is yellowing quite a bit. Tested the pH and it was 7-7.5. Thought it was supposed to go down, so not sure what's happening. adjusted back down to about 6.5. On the plus side, it looks like by wrapping the pump in cheesecloth...
  15. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Here's my clone setup. I bought GH micro and bloom ferts. I filled my tote with 10L of tap water at 64F and pHed down to 6.5 with 1/4 tsp of pH down. I added 3 mL of micro and 6 mL of bloom as per the instructions for cuttings. This brought the pH down to 6-6.5. I am having difficulty...
  16. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    The lady is really stretching. She grew into the lights and burned the leaves on one flower. Gave her the first bloom-heavy fert today. I'm scared I'm going to run out of height !!
  17. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    I setup a small bubbleponics 3-4 gallon system with parts bought in walmart, HD, and online. The cuttings that I placed in rockwool within a cloning dome are now in the bubbleponics system. The netpots were filled with hydroton rocks around the rockwool. I put the humidity dome on top of the...
  18. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Watered the lady today. She is starting to smell now. :lol:
  19. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    A took a couple of cuttings from near the base of the lady, which wouldn't receive any light anyways. I then gave her a fertilization, changed out the lights to the 2700K, and set the timer for 12/12 to put her in flower.
  20. sheikurbuti

    Strawberry Haze CFL soilless organic LST grow

    Here are some pics of the lady. She's growing big and drinking a lot :lol:. Still bending the branches to expose the lower bud sites.