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  1. bigdaddyju34

    To Cut or Not to Cut

    Not so much worried about the getting high part, although the top bud has many trics so I really do not see how it could not get you high. I am looking to maximize my yield, there would be no way I could tie just the top down and let the others get more light with the space I have. I am also...
  2. bigdaddyju34

    To Cut or Not to Cut

    I have this plant growing and it has been growing since April. At first I did not think it was going to be female and almost chopped it down, would that have ever been a mistake. Anyway my question to you all is this. Should I cut the top out of this plant with the big bud on it so that I can...
  3. bigdaddyju34

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    NC Triangle here, good to find some fellow NC people here. I would say check out my grow but I still need to post some pictures that finally do it justice. I have been patient enough but the temps getting so hot and not having great ventilation is not helping matters. Some nice pics on here guys.
  4. bigdaddyju34

    Real Deal with Hermies

    That make sense, and yes growing my own I want to grow the best I can grow you have that exactly right but there are some things you cant control like (HERMIES/MALES) so I want to make the best of it while I can. I am starting new ones now, which I should have done in the first place. So...
  5. bigdaddyju34

    Real Deal with Hermies

    Ok, so I have read many posts on this site as well as other sites about hermies mainly because I think I have one. It came from some bag seed that had lots of seeds in it but it was smokable and did give you a buzz. So my question to all of you experts out there is "Why would you want to kill a...
  6. bigdaddyju34

    First Time Hydro Grow

    Here are some pictures of 1 plant in soil, I have another in water but this one is twice the size of the one in water and more leaves and just seems like a healthy plant overall but the bad side is I THINK IT IS A HE!!!!:confused: I am going to start another thread to see if anybody can tell...
  7. bigdaddyju34


    Depending on which substance I abused (lol), was never really one to mix much, but I ate one pill thinking it was X, it was yellow with CK stamped on top and I was up for 72 hours straight without the thought of closing an eye or feeling tired or hungry. I did have the mental capacity of a 12...
  8. bigdaddyju34

    Trying salvia tonight, help me ensure an experience

    That shit if for the birds. I had a couple friends invite me over to try it and hell of course I wanted to try it. 1 hit and I was blacked out woke up in seconds thinking I was 2 ft tall and was trying to walk on my hands but not going anywhere. Looking around the room like a scalded dog with...
  9. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    This is my first indoor grow as well so this is really my trial run, I now have two things going on inside this box. I am going to take some pictures (not upside down this time) and post them in my grow journal. But what i have going on now is one pot with soil with my biggest baby (hoping "she"...
  10. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    Wow, that was pretty in depth. I have got one of those fans you speak of. I initially bought it for this project and cut one of my old electronic cords and tried to wire it up and could not get it working. So I improvised, I bought a small fan and put in the hole that I had cut out at the top. I...
  11. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    Ok, so I am new to this whole indoor growing thing so I really have no clue what wattage these lights are. They came with the stealth hydro kit that I bought. The original picture was taken before I really got started growing so yes the lights were at the top of the box as I was trying to...
  12. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    I think my box is holding up fairly well. I think it does need some modifications. It sits in my garage so how that spring and warm weather has hit my region it gets very hot in the garage and in the box as well. Not sure what I am going to do to help cool it down inside the box, but for now I...
  13. bigdaddyju34

    First Time Hydro Grow

    Alright, now we may be getting somewhere. Of the two that I have put in soil both look like they are going strong now. One actually has 3 levels of leaves now and the other is starting on 3 levels. I also put some more seeds in jiffy pots to sprout. I decided to experiment some more so I took...
  14. bigdaddyju34

    First Time Hydro Grow

    WOW, I dont guess i can grow anything. So here I am dont even know how long it has been, a month or more and my poor little plants have done nothing. I really only have 1 left and noticed today that it wilted over after I changed the res. yesterday. I dont think I will even post any pictures as...
  15. bigdaddyju34

    First Time Hydro Grow

    Alright, now I actually have 3 sprouts, I will post pictures of this later but really nothing to brag about yet. Today is the day when I will change the water out for the first time, even though I have a drainage spout I am concerned about this process as I dont have anywhere to drain the water...
  16. bigdaddyju34

    First Time Hydro Grow

    So here I am a week later and nothing. I think I flooded one of my cubes as it turned to nothing but mush. I wondered if I even had sprouts so I pulled another cube up to dig out the seed and the damn thing had not even sprouted. The seeds I put in the paper towel started to sprout but then I...
  17. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    Where can I get mylar cover and how much is it?
  18. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    Not really I live in space. Zero Gravity, but multiple gravity bongs.
  19. bigdaddyju34

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    You are correct, this is a hydro setup. The metal duct at the bottom is the fresh air vent as I would like to call it. It lets fresh air in the bottom and it also served as a good place to run the wires through. I could have just cut a whole in the box but that would let to much light in. With...
  20. bigdaddyju34

    First Time Hydro Grow

    Ok, so I just kept thinking and it kept bothering me about trying to germ in the rockwool so I took additional seeds and put them in the paper towel and use that method, now we will see which comes first.