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  1. B

    my first grow room pics needs critiquing

    So you plan on leaving that door open all the time? Put atleast a small fan on the Plants to thicken up the stems once they start to bulk up atleast. p.s. nice shotgun shell in the windowsill
  2. B

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    I amped up the nutes and they are all coming around. Thanks for the help everyone.
  3. B

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    no that white is powdered lime i used to raise the PH. the soil was sitting a little acidic so i put in some lime to bring it up to 7.5ish
  4. B

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    my temp sits at about 70 degrees with about 45% humidity.
  5. B

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    Alright ill keep increasing the nutes. hopefully that will do it. i went easy cause they were so damn small but ill try bringing it up. thanks. ill let you know if it helps
  6. B

    Couple of problems. Any Ideas pics inside

    as far as the "burns" are concerned it looks to me like its from the light. doesn't seem to be serious. With reflective lining light that can sometimes focus your light and create those tiny burns. not much you can do if its that but fortunately it wont be detrimental to them. keep and eye on it...
  7. B

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    ill have them soon. any speculation as to whats going on?
  8. B

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    Okay so the plants i have are under 6 Flourecent lights and are in 2 gallon buckets. They have been growing for about a month and a half and aren't even a foot tall. The only transplanting i have done is to move them from the starter pods into these buckets. a week after the move the lowest set...