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  1. P

    Which 2Cs Have You Tried???

    I did Tramadol for the first time the other day, I didn't really like it too much. I've had better opioids. The stuff that vendor is selling is basically the same as the Tramadol that pharma makes right? I may buy some... Wish they had some hydro or oxy. :)
  2. P

    Copenhagen!!! Now we are all really screwed!!

    So you're worried about the formalization of something that's been going on for years? Can anyone tell me the name of this treaty? Have you read it? I remind you, this presentation is read by a Lord, do you trust him to interpret things for you?
  3. P

    For all the FOX, Beck, Limbaugh, Conservative Haters.

    Glen Beck and Bill O'Riley are the king of TV trolls. I think they have even gotten to the point where they believe their own shit spew. Can you really watch Glen Beck and take him seriously. I mean, the man crys on national TV, and it's not even convincing.
  4. P

    the "full pull" of advise.

    Not everyone, just the reptilians.
  5. P

    Where Y'all from?

    Born in GA. Live in GA.
  6. P

    Ok, has it REALLY come down to THIS?!

    What? I don't even....
  7. P

    Just applied at 7-11

    Good one. :roll:
  8. P

    Just applied at 7-11

    Unless you're Indian(dot), you aren't getting that job.
  9. P

    I miss my hometown

    Still in my home town(ish). Waiting to leave.
  10. P

    Pusher Trilogy - who has seen it?

    I'll check 'em out. Also, A Scanner Darkly.
  11. P

    you wont beleave this

    Why do people want to resort to violence so quickly? It solves nothing(makes things worse even), and there are much more fun and sinister way to get people back for fucking with your shit.
  12. P

    ups, fedex runners?

    Fedex and UPS move millions and millions of packages a year. There is no plausible way to scan each and every package.
  13. P

    What do u Yanks think of the NRL?!?

    Union > League. Rugby > Football(American and non).
  14. P

    best book youve ever read

    Lullaby, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Game of Thrones, Foundation, too many to name. EDIT: Just remembered, Snow Crash is my favorite book ever. By just a little, but it wins.
  15. P

    Jock Horror grow.
  16. P

    Sickest video ever??

    Faces of Death was mostly fake. Look up Traces of Death. Also, 1guy1jar.
  17. P

    Jock Horror grow.

    I'm going to chop 3 of them by (or on) the 31st, and the other one 1 or 2 weeks later(the plant with a single cola).
  18. P

    Jock Horror grow.

    I didn't do that specifically because the pictures totally stretch the screen. Plus, those are 2 MB files, some people may not want to load all of that data at once. Edit: Thanks man. I can't wait to smoke it. :)
  19. P

    Jock Horror grow.

    Picture time: