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  1. S

    Gun Slayings

    There is, very simply, no single causative factor in the death spiral of any of those countries, from Turkey with its last-of -the-caliphates-mentality, to Guatemala with its born-again military monsters. The kuomintang in China had plenty of arms; simply too corrupt to muster a formidable...
  2. S

    Gun Slayings

    Id really rather have a phaser-no kickback and wide dispersal...
  3. S

    Gun Slayings

    Without the war on drugs there will be very little need for Gun control; perhaps the Mexican cartels will convince the American public with assassinations, that legalization is in their best interest. We really dont need the specter of reefer- madness anymore-we have terrorism and corporate...
  4. S

    Gun Slayings

    Why would the powerful attempt to ban guns; makes no sense at all...The greatest wealth transfer in history has occurred without the oligharchs firing a single shot. They have somehow, for the last 35 years, convinced the American people that spiritual "values" are much more integral to their...
  5. S

    Gun Slayings

    As far as the disgruntled-and fired-IBM worker is concerned, I would assume it was, within his overheated mind, revenge for outsourcing...
  6. S

    Is there a ganjacologist in the house?

    Any suggestions for an Indy male needing marijuana for withdrawl symptoms from an avalanche of prescription pain medications?? Opioid paranoia is no picnic; I have nowhere to turn at present. Thanks for any advice
  7. S

    Doctor of ganjacology

    see other post