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  1. Splashfree

    Trimming during Flowering

    Thanks for all of the ideas, and techniques.. Im pretty much at the end of my first grow, and i regret not logging in to this site during the first few weeks. Eventhough Im using 400w HPS, is it wise to also use a UV spot light ?... I was told that it gives you a higher yeild.
  2. Splashfree

    Trimming during Flowering

    I also hava a 4ft track, so the lighting moves back and forth (very slowly).. do you think i shuld let hem flower longer?
  3. Splashfree

    Trimming during Flowering

    oh, forgot to mention that there 7 of them.. I will post pics if needed..
  4. Splashfree

    Trimming during Flowering

    I am having a similar issue as well. But my babies are about 4ft tall in a 5x7 are area.. with a 400w hps.. do I need to remove a few of the bottom branches b/c they're not really producing and just taking up energy?
  5. Splashfree

    growing upside down!!!!!!

    So how is he upside down clone, coming along? Im curious.. :clap: