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  1. G


    Thanks for your help mate Showed first roots today, other plant looks red raw. Either it's been doing something it shouldnt or its not very well. Cheers
  2. G


    Hello Thanks for quick reply and brilliant advices, I understand the aero walkthrough. But if you could explain the oxygenated water bottle a bit more for me that would be really helpful i.e will I need a air pump etc etc. Thanks alot for all your help
  3. G


    Sorry That was a bit vague, can anyone help me with developing the roots so they are big and strong enough to be transferred to an NFT Thanks
  4. G


    Please help. I have been growing two white widows seedlings under 15w lamps in root riots. The plants are coming along fine with 18/6 lighting. However there is no sign of any roots coming from the bottom of the root riots. I know about the root forumlas on the market but as I understand it...