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  1. G

    growing only ONE pot plant and need some info

    You could also use a 1000000000000 (trillion) watt SUN bulb you can purchase it at your nearest window for €0.00 ($0.00) This post was meant to be funny not mean, I'm high lol ... Lol, lololol ... But seriosly, Lol
  2. G

    would this work?

    I no it won't taste great I'm gunna add tabasco and salt and popcorn idk I'm high but I just want to know if it will work lol
  3. G

    would this work?

    Could I just put some bud and some butter in a microwave for like 10 min and then, well, eat it?
  4. G

    browning help!

    As an unrelated question (I don't see any reason to make a new thread) when will my plant start to smell, is it during veg or will I have to wait till flowering?
  5. G

    browning help!

    Sun soil and water, lol I'm very low-tech but I'm not expecting a super yeild for my first plant, if the rounded leaves are supposed to die out I guess that's what's happening thanks :)
  6. G

    browning help!

    My plant is 8 days old scence planting and 3 sence sprouting it keeps growing taller but none of its leaves are getting bigger and now one of its rounded bottem leaves us turning brown underneith It has 4 leaves 2 large round leaves and 2 small riged leaves It has penty of water and...
  7. G

    leaf cliping?

    I remember reading somewhere on the site that you could clip the ends of the leaves of a plant to make it harder to recognise and possibly increase yield, Is there any fact to this?
  8. G


    Both plants are female clearly
  9. G


    Ok, I don't want to appear stupid so let me first say that I realize that this is exteamly variable but try to ignore that somehow lol I just need a general figure. Ok, I'm growing 2 plants and I want to know how much bud I can expect per plant, 2 ounces? 3? 4? I have no idea how much...
  10. G


    Idk I'm kindof high,
  11. G


    Is the difficulty of growing kindof over exagerated I mean in nature seeds land in the fall and are left in the harsh feeze thaw freeze thaw winter then are exposed to water in the still cold spring, and receive random rain throughout, Why is it so easy for homegrowers to stress thee plants...
  12. G

    how long?

    So I have this plant, and it has a somewhat recogniseable leaf pattern :) Well right now its not exactly hidden how old will it be when its obvoisly pot? Right now its just a little sprout
  13. G

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    How accurate is the float test to determine whether or not the seeds can grow?
  14. G

    light or water?

    I still have the 2 germinating seeds so I can't put those in the fridge how accurate is the float test anyways?
  15. G

    light or water?

    They are in soil, but I put them in about 3 hours ago, The car acting as a greenhouse idea is genius! Thank you!
  16. G

    light or water?

    I forgot to mention, I will be gone for 7 days. They haven't sprouted roots or leaves yet there just bigger darker seeds
  17. G

    light or water?

    So I'm at a friends house smoking when he hands me a pill bottle with 4 little balls in the bottem he tells me there canabis seeds and I should grow them So when I get back home I float test all 4 and they all float so I germinate them using the heat+wet paper towel method retested them and 2...