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  1. J


    I went about it the wrong way to, but now that i have my moms approval of growing my 2 plants on her 10 acres by all means im going to, and no disrespect intended to the person who said growings an adult game. You may be masters of it but who's going to be around to do it when your gone, my...
  2. J


    yeah thats not to bad, lucky its just his parents and not the busters, im thankful i didnt get BUSTED!!! i was kinda in his situation except mines not even close to budding, but ya im only 17 and my mom found 5 seedlings in a growbox in my garage she knew i smoke buds all the time but she had...
  3. J

    why those seeds don’t germinate

    thanks for the tips, i think the 'too cold' reason is my concern right now. i kept my grow box at around 19-20c the last 3 days and ive had 6 seeds planted under 3 cfls but i put a better light in there now to boost the temperature a little. hopefully sprouts sometime today
  4. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    by the way the sprout coming out of the soil is about 3 cm long not big yet
  5. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hey ill take that offer on the help aswell, its my first season growin and im trying to keep it pretty stealthy but I found a nice spot in my room to start my plants (i plan to move them outdoors when it warms up in ontario haha) thats under a high ass bed, its about 40 inches high by 3 feet...
  6. J

    Ontario growers!!!

    word from caledon all ya ontario growers, its my first season growin but gotta start sometime
  7. J

    How to handle low height constraints?

    a friend of mine was tellin me about how he built like a box formation around his pot and plant out of chicken wire and then twist tied his plant to it and it just kept growing around and around it kinda like vines i think he ended up getting a lb and a half from it so worked well im in he...