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  1. Z

    SUPER NOOB! first grow box stealth! (pics)

    yea get that mirror out of there asap. thay aculey eat light... and for flowering... your prolly gona need more light or youl have some light airy bud
  2. Z

    Stealth at it's Finest...

    i like it! slap a filter on there
  3. Z

    Pleasr help me with grow room and growing details I will show pics step by step

    since money is no issue... hire modles to stand next to your plants and look sexy. are we geting ahead of our selfes? lol id get a PH meeter and an EC(ppm) meeter for shure. maby a water filter... have you thought about puting your lighting on tracks? moveing light around the room lets you put...
  4. Z

    My new grow room build step by step(pics)

    simple clean and sexy. damn thats nice.
  5. Z

    12 plant stealth-ish setup

    that is by far way beter then might not even need a fan in there cus air movement will be vigorous i think.
  6. Z

    too hot and summers coming

    yea thats a good idea.
  7. Z

    Wacky idea for a monster DIY filter.

    Yea i agree with winkdog420 useing the 2x4 method will give you a good lil bit of depth for your carbon. And nailing or screwing 4 pieces of wood together in a square is minimal diy. You can do it! You have to.... Do it for the weed.... Just think... What would jesus do.
  8. Z

    ebb an d grow plans

    Useing a co2 tank and reguator gets you much much more control on co2 with a goal of maximixing yeald id go with that... That setup sounds pretty spiffy, what did you spend? If you dont mind me asking. (or are you gona spend.)
  9. Z

    10'x10' Grow Room. 2 600W HPS. 1 400W MH. Venting Question

    you sed passive air intake blowing fresh air in... i thouht pasive ment not blowing... but being sucked in due to negitave pressure in the room.
  10. Z

    2000w's and 100sq ft, how to hit 3Ps?

    you can do organic hydro...