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  1. E

    Turbo garden 14 plants...How much light do I need?

    I dont know the size of the room I havent decided The options are an armoire or a walk in closet big rubbermaid tubs If i ended buying the turbo garden I would probably do the walk in closet the specs are on this thread I made with no replys...
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    Turbo garden 14 plants...How much light do I need?

    thanks for letting me know here is a different website thats selling it for more but so you can see what it is
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    Turbo garden 14 plants...How much light do I need?

    Also If I go for a 600watt hps do you think I could fit two of the turbo gardens under there or Would i have to upgrade all the way to 1000watt thanks in advance for any help ....The 250 watt hps is 27500 lumens / 9 square feet is 3000 lumens/sq feet and ideal is 1500 right/? Found a thread...
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    Turbo garden 14 plants...How much light do I need?

    I am trying to figure out how much light i would need for this... I know a 250watt hps can technically cover a 3x3 area but how can 250 watts grow 14 plants should i go 400 watt hps or...
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    I can't decide which way to grow? Help me decide

    Option 1 I have an armoire from home depot that would have a total of 3 sections the top 1/3 which measures at 4w*2d*2h would be the veg system where i would have 2- 2 lamp fluroscents emiting a total of 20,000 lumens...
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    how much fluorescents do i need in a perpetual system?

    I want to start a perpetual grow and i want to veg 8 plants in an armoire i was wondering how many fluorescents i need for them to get maximum potential out of approxamitely 30 days veg. I know mH would be more i deal but im trying to save some money
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    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    did you do any topping i plan on growing AI soon and was going to try to do this topping technique
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    Metal halide and Hps or just Hps

    ill most likely end up doing the 600 watt switchable mh and hps the closet is 6x3x9 its going to be in soil and the strain is aurora indica (short plant) what would you suggest with this set up just put as many 5 gallon buckets as i can or put smaller still in the planning phase...
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    Metal halide and Hps or just Hps

    any answers to my other questions and its a walk in closet most likely i wont divide it until i get more experience under my belt so 1 room
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    Metal halide and Hps or just Hps

    i am definetly getting an hps for flowering im wondering if i can use the hps for vegetative too or should i get the metal halide
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    Metal halide and Hps or just Hps

    Ive been looking into getting an indoor grow going and ive read that it is better to use MH for vegatative and Hps for flowering because of the spectrum of light they are. but does it make that much of a difference should i just get the hps and save some money or does it make a big difference...
  12. E

    Barneys Farm Red Diesel>?

    has anyone grown this outdoors or at all i was wondering how much it smells and how it did outdoors?......also how good was the high and flavor of smoke
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    How far is the smell going to reach

    i was also thinking of putting it around the general trail area so they are like fuck this place lets walk a trail somewhere else it smells like fucking ass and u can suck a dick i aint walking this trail no mo (drunk and high now)
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    How far is the smell going to reach

    So i was looking into the predator urine and I found this skunk um obviously it wouldnt protect against deer and skunks but do you guys think it would help deter people or mask the smell if i use a...
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    How far is the smell going to reach

    i just realized that just having the ona gel open would be dumb because the rain and shit would damage it but what about hanging them upside down with a ventilated top ?
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    How far is the smell going to reach

    so would you say I need to be atleast 2-3 miles away from where any sensible person would go.................also is it completely out of the question to use indoor smell alleviation techniques (like buy some ona gel and put a few open tubs around the grow area or is that a dumb idea)
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    How far is the smell going to reach

    not what i wanted to hear but what i needed to hear looks like im going to have to put on my hiking boots and go for a little walk with my dog
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    How far is the smell going to reach

    Im trying to do a guerilla grow and I'm wondering how far the smell will travel (20 plants 10 aurora indica 5 ak48 and 5 durban poision) im about 500 yards off of any trail and the closest trail is a trail that isnt traveled often (this is the best spot i can get where i live so i can check on...
  19. E

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Im trying to do a guerilla grow and I'm wondering how far the smell will travel (20 plants 10 aurora indica 5 ak48 and 5 durban poision) im about 500 yards off of any trail and the closest trail is a trail that isnt traveled often (this is the best spot i can get where i live so i can check on...
  20. E

    Help me design 6'x4' basement closet

    I saw that you said you cant have more thane 2.5 ounces of smokeable bud can you have the green dragon on hand (high proof liquor with extracted thc in it) it seems like you are using it for medical purposes and the green dragon fucks you up a lot (2...