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  1. S

    quick ?

    the leaves i am seeing in the branches next to the main stalk look like seedlings in a way is that preflower already im seeing, male traits maybe, i just not sure?
  2. S

    my neighbors are ghey....

    wow thats crazy, my first thought is HOW? not saying i dont believe you but i take you and your dirty neighbor must be growing outside? hmmm also they must be close. idk i just a newb:peace:
  3. S

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    no offense to ya bro but them plants look sick, not enough light, not just not enough light but the light was deffinetly way to far from seedlings when they started growing. i started about 14 seeds from a bag of good shit and did it in the window in a little dome like thing i got at the dollar...
  4. S

    I think I topped alittle too early!!!!

    thank you very much bro, helps me sleep lol
  5. S

    I think I topped alittle too early!!!!

    well i had 3 plants about 5-6 inches tall and two of them had 3 nodes the one had 4, so after topping them they two only have 2 sets of nodes and the other now has 3. the one with 3 nodes is looking so good and the nodes that were left are now growing leaves next to the main stalk and looking...
  6. S

    What are bananas?

    ive been reading alot about determining the sex of the plant. one guys says watch for bananas. What is that?:peace:
  7. S

    Do I need a ballast and what does it do?

    been wanting to go with the hps lighting but i noticed they sell ballast next to the bulbs. so what does a ballast do? ive been told i can buy a up to 250 watt hps and stick it right in my light sockets and use em that way. Is this true? i dont want to start fires or blow my house off the face...
  8. S

    suggestions needed for first time grow!!!!

    kiss-ass Thank you so much fellas my next stop is menards!!:joint:
  9. S

    suggestions needed for first time grow!!!!

    i have 3 small plants i started from a good stash i had, they are about 3 weeks old and i have been keeping the light on 24 hours a day. now should i do the 18/6 for veg or stay with 24. and if i need to do 18/6 do i do that until flowering stage, i also wanta top my plants to so im waiting for...
  10. S

    when can i top?

    When can i top to make more bud sites, i have a few plants thats are about 2 weeks old or so, can i chop them now or what a bit yet. just want to get the most bud sites possible, any suggestions are welcome.kiss-ass
  11. S

    So its a hermie, what do i do?

    so every little round bead on it male organs?:confused: and also should i do this right when i turn lights on or off for a surgery such as this lol?:peace:
  12. S

    So its a hermie, what do i do?

    so every little round bead on it male organs?:confused:
  13. S

    So its a hermie, what do i do?

    So if i pluck em what is that going to benifit, what i just leave it alone and see what happens because were the branch meets the main stem i noticed them along time ago but i left em and they budded, i think they buded they didnt stay a seed form, i know that much lol. also if i pluck the balls...
  14. S

    So its a hermie, what do i do?

    I have had many questions before about if it was or not. Its got lots of whit hairs but yet it has clusters of balls. so if its true which im pretty sure it is, what do i do with it. its my only plant and i dont care of the quality i just wanta get something out of it. so am i going to have to...
  15. S

    I have a few questions for the pro's??

    i have a lady thats been flowering for 3 weeks now and its has alot of white hairs starting finally. Are white hairs female? But what concerns me is little ball like things forming all around by the white hairs too. a week in half ago i had noticed the same things in the branches but wound up...
  16. S

    White hairs?

    So im seeing white hairs pop out the top, what does that mean, is it a female trait. or could it still be male.
  17. S

    How many per pot?

    I am transplanting some small ones ready for there big pot, i am using soil to grow in and wondering if i can put multiple plants in the same pot.
  18. S

    How much longer?

    Hey there I was wondering how much longer i should expect to harvest. the plant is 23 inches tall and is starting to bud!!! there is signs of budding the main cola which is starting to look bushy and the next three branches down there is little buds staring. its has been about 2 weeks since i...
  19. S

    Please help me!!! what i do i have here?

    Thanx man that clears it up a bit, they now got shorter but fatter leaves on im now.:leaf: a few still have that crunched up letuce look to em with a little white hair pokin out the end of the first leaves it getting, not sure ill post pics soon as i can for ya thanx agian