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  1. D

    4th week of flowering GHE Flora series

    im having bad ph problem last night when i turned the lights off it was 5,6 this morning 3.0 wondering if it has anything to do with neutrinats i´m using (ghe flore series) heat is pretty stable around 75. in the same room i have another system there im using ATAMI neutriants and ph is perfectly...
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    3week 12/12 *pics help please

    I´m wondering im in week 3 of flowering and the last couple of times i used this system usually one or two tops overwelhm all the others so they dont get enough light so my yield hasent been 100% So now i set a net over them to equal the height but even so still 60-70% of the tops stay under...
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    Fimming With My Blaze: A Complete How to FIM Guide

    Is it a possibilty to start FIM clones ?
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    30hrs of darkness before flowering ?

    Just wondering i´ve been hearing more and more about ppl finishing veg with 30hrs of darkness before starting flowering ? What is your opinion of this ?
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    FCK timers not the first time

    The whole regular timers burning out seems to depend on the electrics in your home. Can that be am i running to many watts on a single output? or do you mean its something with the electr. in the house ?
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    new to indoor growing

    what kind of lights do you have ? what strain r u growing ?
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    Spare a minute plz

    there in 12/12 .... the lights went 4 1/2 hours to long, shut i still turn them on on regular time ?
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    Spare a minute plz

    didnt relize i was breaking rules........ feel little stupid sry desprate worried not sure what to do exactly or if i will end up with buds full of seeds
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    250 watt heat issues, help needed

    be sure that the bulb is ok ur using, if its old or your not sure about it buy a new one. Dont try to grow with old bulbs i´ve wasted enough time and pulled my hair wondering what i´m doing wrong until i figured this out :/ :) if you can have a open door to the next room from the growroom open...
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    can i LST once sex is confirmed?

    i lst til late 2week, just be sure to give the tops enough time to grow back up or just tie them1/3 down if your doing it late. only my 5th grow but this has benefited me, would recomend a net or chicken wire or something and let them grow up throw a net or som. around 2.week than equalize the...
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    Spare a minute plz

    This is just my great luck for the first time things were going perfect was so proud. had two systems other just passed 4th week of flowering and the other going 10 days i´ve been on 12 12 light cyrcle (lights turning on 10:00 turning off 22:00) Tonight at 2:30 i gotta feeling i really shut go...
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    FCK timers not the first time

    Do they work are they reliable?? Been trough to many of theese junk timers. But please anybody what is the best thing to do about the light cyrcle?
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    FCK timers not the first time

    This is just my great luck for the first time things were going perfect was so proud. had two systems other just passed 4th week of flowering and the other going 10 days i´ve been on 12 12 light cyrcle (lights turning on 10:00 turning off 22:00) Tonight at 2:30 i gotta feeling i really shut go...
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    Week 3/4 of flowering (taking clones?)

    I´m starting week 4 of flowering and i was wondering is it ok to take clones this late.
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    I´m trying bubblelicious mainly because i thought it was a hybrid from bubblegum, but when i took a closer look im not sure:confused:. And wonder women (hopefully high yield potential)
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    Just wanted to give my thumps up for Nirvana. I live in a country where customs are a real pain and for the last year customs have seized seeds for more than 600US just from my orders. But the last two times i´ve ordered seeds from Nirvana i´ve recieved them within 10 days :bigjoint: