Like I said in the above post; three volunteers... no results.
Although I suspect the friend of a friend I mentioned had good results as he wants more of the soil.
As I explained to the last person who emailed me:
I only had enough substrate and ingredients to make 10 or 11 grow bags. But during the processing I (accidently) burnt out part of the drive shaft in my milling machine, with only 9 bags finished.
So I divided up the bags as best I could:
Been busily answering questions over on
...sorry if I've been nelecting this thread.
If anyone has any technical questions, feel free to post them here.
Good work "liblah"!
Hopefully that unusual colour is due to a higher chlorophyll content.
I'm hoping you get some good quality product for all your trouble. Let's keep our fingers crossed for lots of cannabinoids with lots of cross-linking.
Awaiting that toke-test. of my growers has...
...only competent growers who can provide pics or links to a grow-log.
Oh, and you've got to be somewhere near Dublin, I'm not driving all over this recession-ridden shithole to make deliveries.
Thanks for the rebuttle "liblah", Ive been waiting for you to email me some results... glad to hear the plants took to the soil so well. Is there a noticeable size difference yet?
But to keep everything above board and honest, my other grower (a member on has had a stunting...
Sorry "pady irishman", I assumed everyone would contact me at paydirt at hush mail dot com I requested in the thread. I've only just discovered your message now... again, apologies: I'm a bit of a technophobe.
To answer your question, no, I'm not in Wicklow... but I'm in South Dublin...
Okay guys, here's the long awaited update...
From the outset, it seems this whole experiment has been an exercise in futility. Literally everything went wrong.
When this thread petered out I had six growers interested in participating: five who made contact via the forums...
I still haven't heard back from one of my unverified growers (someone who volunteered but hasn't yet provided pics or a link to a growlog or such).
If I don't hear back by the end of this week then those two plant bags will be up for grabs. Just can't be bothered with timewasters.
Anyone who...
Okay guys...
Thanks for all the input.
I now have three intested growers who meet my requirements (competent regular growers willing to run a comparative grow according to my stipulations). That's six plant bags (3 x 2).
I also have another couple of growers who have expressed an interest...
...because I'm hoping to eventually sell this soil as a commercial product for the botanical research market (Ireland produces 70% or Europes pharmaceuticals and hosts quite a lot phytochemical research). There is quite a nice market right here on my doorstep, could potentially be a profitable...
Just a quick bump for this thread.
For anyone keeping score: I'm now up to three volunteer growers (one from this forum, one from and another via reference from an acquaintance).
When I get five volunteer growers I'm going to brew up the last of my ingredients (enough for...
I'm not a garda. I'm not a "narc".
But having said, I'm also not a smoker or a grower.
My background is in physics, so I'm more interested in soil structures on the microscopic scale. I won't be growing anything myself.... honestly, I couldn't keep a mould alive.
Similarly, any precautions...
Eh, sorry... haven't got any comparative grow pics. I did dump some used soil on a grass verge opposite my house which has resulted in a huge batch of wild plants (even horse radish) with nothing growing either side. But I'd rather not post pics of my own road.
However, I can...
Very astute snyder.
I actually did look into that.
Seems the biggest impediment is the sheer cost (115 euro per plant bag). No one is interested in a specially engineered soil that's 50 to 100 times the price of most regular composts. It's not a viable commercial product.
The closest I got...
Email answered.
I'm up to three growers interested now... thanks guys.
If anyone else wants to get involved make yourself known as I can only facilitate five or six volunteers (only have enough supplies for about eleven grow bags).
I'm also willing to answer any questions anyone might have...
Not trying a thread hijack, hope it isn't interpreted that way...
If any of you guys; spliffbazz; Richie Lxp are interested in joining my little engineered soil comparison grow just drop me an email: paydirt at hush mail dot com (or a pm if you don't want to give away your email address)