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  1. I

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    hey guys little more progress now first two pics are the same plant same node just different angles 3rd shot is a whole other plants. I cant tell if these are pistils forming or male pods. Sorry first grow i know this is annoying to you veterans.I took clones last time i posted and the stink bud...
  2. I

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    thanks kind sir for getting back to me... I am trying to Micro sex in lieu of separating room to flower clones for gender. That is a bummer on the long flower time i will probably have to do the same. I will definetley number them for reference. question for you stink. DO you thin you will...
  3. I

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    thanks a bunch man ... Let the clone wars begin... I hear mazzar is a beast couch lock reaper... we shall see. I wish all skills where collaborated like this forum is. the world today is full of people that wont take the time to teach and i am glad that you guys have found the time... Thanks...
  4. I

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Screw it here is the whole album codes are killing me right now
  5. I

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    ok so I finally have taken some action.... stinkbud is a saint dirthawker you have been a great help as well. her is the scenario I am going to do stinks total setup except way scaled back for personal. I have two strains one is mazar the other topp 44 both I have germinated from seed and are...