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  1. M

    What should my yield be? 600 watt 4x4 Tent. Any estimates?

    Thanks fatboyOGOF, you have a similar setup to mine. I'm hoping to pull a pound?
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    Club 600

    What should my goal be for yield with my set up? 600 Metal Halide for Veg./ 600 HPS for flower 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 ft. Tent 6" vortex Fan 80F 30% Day 60F 50% Night 2 gallon pots - 25 Plants (5 rows of 5) MyGreenPlanet nutrients. Strain - VISC Titanium I have plenty of air flow and good water. Any...
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    Club 600

    how much are you guys yielding of one 600 hps? how many plants? how long did you veg? what size pots?
  4. M

    What should my yield be? 600 watt 4x4 Tent. Any estimates?

    What should my goal be for yield with my set up? 600 Metal Halide for Veg./ 600 HPS for flower 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 ft. Tent 6" vortex Fan 80F 30% Day 60F 50% Night 2 gallon pots - 25 Plants (5 rows of 5) MyGreenPlanet nutrients. Strain - VISC Titanium I have plenty of air flow and good...
  5. M

    short internodes? is this too short or is this normal?

    Looking good I wouldn't be worried. Is there much of a difference from day temps to night?
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Its a loong story but I think I got this all figured out. Day 75F, 45% Night 57F, 60% Will I pull through and be ok?
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    By putting the exhaust back into the tent it is the light that is doing the heating. i have a enclosed light shade. air flow goes like this. carbon filter>light>vortex fan>outside tent than back in to warm the place up. does desiccant work well at lowering humidity?
  8. M

    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    thanks you two guys but my concern now is humidity. 67% day and 97% at night!! this can't be good there is condensation on the walls of the tent, Im afraid of mold. I hear a bowl of kitty litter is a good cheap desiccant if I put that in my tent in front the exhaust that will lower the humidity...
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Ok guys new problem! I ran my exhaust back into the tent so now my day time temps are 78F :) night time temps still drop to 53F but a small space heater on at night will fix that very soon. BUT! since i started running my exhaust in my humidity has gone through the roof!! 67% during the day and...
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Ok thanks for all the wisdom brick top. My temps are almost in order. I should of got temps in order long ago I was slacking.
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    The leaf in the second pic is curled down kinda has a claw thing going on? Its not thaat bad.
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Sounds about right. Ok so the first pic is do to a phosphorous deficiency which is caused by the low temps I almost have the temps right so that problem is just about solved. What about the second pic?
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    On a side note besides the slow growth what is the cause of these problems with these two leaves??
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    51F was only last night. There was a two week period it was getting down to almost 40F :(
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Thank you I now have hope. I know I definitely have no light leaks and Im on 12/12. Im getting my temps fixed and hopefully this grow works out.
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Thanks robert. Yes the plant are deep purple this round I think its because of the temps. I ran my exhaust back into the tent and its up to 70F during the day but it still fell to 51F last night. I need a small space heater but my main concern is running up my electricity bill.
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    Ok one last question. If I get my temps right some how by tomorrow will my plants recover and swell up? They will be 8 weeks flowing in a few days, or are they getting too old and will dye after a certain amount of flowering time?
  18. M

    Is this nute burn?? pretty sure but I need a second opinion please

    Either nute burn or a magnesium deficiency both problems look almost identical, I think you have nute burn. It may have also been caused from the foliar feeding possibly? I say flush for a week and then go back to your regular nute schedule. But im still a rookie.
  19. M

    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    If I redirect my exhaust back into the tent and get day temperatures back to normal (70-80F ??) my night temps will still be 50-55F will the huge fluctuation in temps be a major problem?
  20. M

    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    I have a 6" vortex fan pulling in massive amounts of fresh air from outside keeps my tent and light super super cool. Im sure my low temps are killing me. I thought about that but night night temps would be the same and the fluctuation from day temps to night would be huge.