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  1. J

    Hello StinkBud I have been reading your post and am ready to follow your design. I was wondering...

    Hello StinkBud I have been reading your post and am ready to follow your design. I was wondering if there was anyway you could show me the dimensions of the frame for the flowering posts. also how long are your posts and how far apart are the plants spaced thanks so much for all the great info...
  2. J

    Plants turning bright yellow

    the plants are about two and a half weeks i feed them whenever they are dry. every other feeding i mix in super thrive and fish fertalizer 4-1-1 mixture. the pots are 14" wide and 10" deep. miracle grow potting soil which feeds plants for three months. they range in size from six inches to a...
  3. J

    Plants turning bright yellow

    My plants are about two weeks old. they are under a 1000 watt metal halide bulb the bulb is about 5 ft above them(there are 13) i have a fan on the temp is about 90 when light is on and 80 when its off. is that too hot? the humidity is always about 45. a few of them are turning bright yellow on...