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  1. Marinastoken


    I put more of the same soil it was in and its in a terracotta pot. I dug out all the roots and then just planted it. Its not all dead. Do I leave it in the sun? Its about 80 and in full sun. Or put it in the shade?
  2. Marinastoken


    I have a balcony plant that we moved into another containter so we can move it inside. I was super careful, but for some reason... Its about to die within the next five minutes. As soon as I put it in the pot it started to die, its wilting over and the leaves are curling. WTF do I do???
  3. Marinastoken

    You know you're a pothead when:

    Hahaha. You know your a pothead when all you do is smoke weed.
  4. Marinastoken

    What's Your Camera?

    I have a D40 as well. I get some great pictures with it. And I totally agree, its not about the camera, cause if you suck, your pictures are gonna suck too.
  5. Marinastoken

    Working out while blunted. Anyone?

    That was pretty amusing. Naw Im pretty safe, I guess during the day I get like this buzz to do shit when Im high. I likes it.
  6. Marinastoken


  7. Marinastoken

    Hey everyone i have about 2 grams of Shrooms

    WTF is wrong with just eating them. They dont taste like vomit or anything.
  8. Marinastoken

    Working out while blunted. Anyone?

    Does any one else hit the gym when they are high? I do. I just want to put out there, that I have never had a better time running down the street than I do while Im high. Its fun as hell. :leaf:
  9. Marinastoken

    Best Album?

    Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon is AMAZING. Crazy trip. Young Jeezy-Any album Notorious BIG-Ready To Die Bob Marley-Any of his glorious albums
  10. Marinastoken

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    A feather once, and a prickly thing with like 6 pokers on it. CRAZY.
  11. Marinastoken


    Oh well. I said I was a weed head not a math dude. :]
  12. Marinastoken

    Dangers of shrooms?

    I dont think shrooms are like this hardcore thing. Meth is like a hardcore thing. I did shrooms by myself one night. NOT A GOOD IDEA. I was tripping off the christmas tree for three hours. Then I started seeing this little guy running around my house. I think I stuck in a gaze for like another...
  13. Marinastoken

    Bob Marley I blaze when listeing

    They put out his gold collection which in my opinion is the only album youll ever need. His music was... amazing. To say the least. Waiting In Vain, mos deff my favorite song of all time.
  14. Marinastoken

    Your Stoner Lingo

    Bluntted, blazed. I like bluntted.
  15. Marinastoken

    Best Food When High

    Whatever is above me looks SICK. Oreo Cakesters are boss. Ice cream too. Arizona arnold palmers are on point. That drink KILLS all cotton mouth.
  16. Marinastoken


    Im Marina. Ive been smokin it up for a over 2 years now. Living the life if I do say so myself. High 85% of the time, 8 out of 10 times. I just like to talk about maryjane, and learn more crap. Talk to people who view shit like I do. Know what Im sayin?:joint: