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  1. Stanky Dankee

    Coco Growers Unite!

    yes, i start my seedlings or clones in dixie cups with miracle grow organic potting soil and once they are root bound i transplant to coco w/ perlite. i have had wonderful success using this method.
  2. Stanky Dankee

    How much longer wld u leave these Buds?

    your buds look great! i would leave them for another week i always let all of the big fan leaves turn yellow fall off then harvest a week later. but to each its own, if you are anxious you could chop them now.
  3. Stanky Dankee

    Fuck birds

    put an owl decoy out there. they are considered birds of prey because they will eat other birds, naturally most birds are scared of them. if not try the scarecrow. lol
  4. Stanky Dankee

    How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?

    SlikWiLL13 man you are a punk, straight up. :hump:people on here have most likely read that this guy is long gone by now but that doesnt mean the topic "how to smuggle 2 grams" cant be discussed. you need to go take a bong rip and lay off everyone for wanting to continue this post. go stare at...
  5. Stanky Dankee

    Coco Growers Unite!

    what is going on in those last 4 pictures? im confused
  6. Stanky Dankee

    Coco Growers Unite!

    "master of genetics" i was browsing the forum when i stumbled across this blog and it stopped me in my tracks. my friend who tought me how to grow was very fond of the TX resin co. but said they were no longer in business for whatever reasons. the best strain he had from them was tx Karen and...
  7. Stanky Dankee

    Grow Site Busted!!!

    duck tape the bottom of your shoes when you go back. if they catch you in the area a shoe print is as good as a fingerprint. good luck man.
  8. Stanky Dankee

    my first grow 9 weeks in please comment

    props for stepping out of the norm and using coco. i use coco too, it fucking rocks!!!:hump: molasses definately works, i use "berry sweet" from botanicare seems to work too.