I could live with probation and fines but with being self employed jail time would be devastating even a week or two would be hard I don't know how i could do it I don't know if the judge/da would take that into consideration or not.
I'm in the north country also a first time offender. Your idea about reporting the jeep stolen is great it just never crossed my mind in the heat of the moment. I ran the boilermaker last month i could of walked 15 miles I'm upset i didn't think of that. Like you said i'm out side of the city...
Thank you for all the info forgetfulpenguin I honestly don't know much about legal proceedings. I've been reading a lot and i'm starting to get nervous. I didn't understand that the DAT was the start to the criminal trial the word ticket throw me off I was thinking that i just show up to court...
I appreciate all the responses but has anyone been throw this first hand. I guess surveillance is possible its nothing but hay fields around my house tho i think i would notice a car staking out my house. I've watched all the barry copper and that lawyer's videos that redivider posted it seems...
Also forgot to add after a lot of research I found a news article about a guy who had 3 of the DEC charges that i do and he was only fined $375 so maybe this wont be a pricey as i thought. That was for the dumping charges the ones that the officer said were going to be crazy.
That would be the ideal way to do it just no one else know I grow I try and keep a real low profile. I know a guy from my school days that lives in NYC and he buys every thing I grow so I fly solo when i'm growing. Also Growone I was about 15 miles from home I could of walked it but i was hoping...
Maybe I put to much faith in the cops. I'm from a vary small town and have always had good experiences with the local law enforcement. Nothing this big before tho. The sheriff that busted me is a local dairy farmer as am I. The judge i'm going in front of lives up the road from my parents and...
Given the Circumstances i don't think i could of handled it much better instead of siting home with a pile of tickets like i am now i'd be siting in a holding pen somewhere with an overwhelming amount of evidence agents me. I was never arraigned so a DA shouldn't be involved right? I just need...
I think they take DUI a little more serious then my charges i didn't endanger any ones life. There's no way your walking a way from a DUI your going to jail one way or another.
If you got the balls to stand up and be cocky to 6 cops and a dog in the middle of the woods your tougher then me. I didn't admit to any thing they didn't know all ready and they offered me a way to get out of there so i took it. I don't know about 17K i was hoping around 5k or so i just...
Ya over all i think it went as good as it could have just going to cost me some serious money. the sheriff said all New York wants is the money what do they have to gain by paying for me to stay in jail over a nonviolent crime.
I could live with probation better then jail i guess. But if they were going to do some thing that drastic wouldn't they have arrested me and make me post bail not just let go on an appearance ticket.
I didn't think they were going to seize the jeep just that they were defiantly going to take me in for questioning and would of impounded it on me. The marijuana charges seemed miner same as if you were caught with a small amount just possession not cultivation. The two illegal dumping charges...
If i had the time and money for lawyers it would have been nice to fight with them. But at a certain point it was obvious what i was getting
charged with whether or not i cooperated with them. Had i not signed the statement there in the woods they would of towed my jeep and taken me to the...
Ya I've been hiding in the shadows for a for a long time i never had anything worth posting until now. Back to what you asked tho I denied as much as i could but like i said they had a K9 unit there. The dog lead them to the plants and they found my foot prints at the grow site.
I had a unique...
I've been growing out doors for 4 years now and it finally happened I got busted. I went out to water my plants this morning when i was coming back to my jeep all i saw was a line of cop cars. I sat in the woods for a good hour watching them but they weren't going any wheres. I finely back into...