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  1. Buddha87

    My first grow...glad to share it on rollitup....Check it out(PICS)

    God your setup is so much better than mine. Looking good though bro.
  2. Buddha87

    Buddha's Adventure

    Alright, Here's an update. Ive balanced out the miracle grow with Epsom salt, and the plant has picked up. Ive picked out all of the plants but this one. Only one that was actually growing. I had one little guy down at the bottom, but he didn't grow taller at all. He stayed at like one inch, so...
  3. Buddha87

    Buddha's Adventure

    I Have 4 in the pot, One hasn't really moved in awhile at all, The other three Im just trying to get one good female out of them. I may just cut the other three down, I want to end up with one female. I'm not really feeling the risk in multiple plants, and I don't really have the money. And I'm...
  4. Buddha87

    Buddha's Adventure

    Ill have an update on the pictures tomorrow. Ive got it set up in a closet now, with a hanging 100w cfl set with a timer for on at 7am and off at 11pm, Ive rigged a computer fan to keep air on them. I added Epsom salt to my miracle grow all purpose plant food solution. Any more advice other...
  5. Buddha87

    Buddha's Adventure

    I'm afraid of ordering it online though... Im considering trying to find someone with some clones.
  6. Buddha87

    Buddha's Adventure

    Alright, So far this is what's going on. I'm 21, Both parents have passed away, Im recieving a huge settlement for my father from a local chemical company, I have just inherited the family house up on a hill that police won't go to.:twisted: I've decided to start growing, I'm not wanting to...