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  1. lordj

    Buds are Weak

    Seeds are from Attitude...they looked great 1st 2 weeks of I didn't do anything different.
  2. lordj

    Buds are Weak

    Lookin' good, DrFever...are you in Coco?
  3. lordj

    Buds are Weak

    I have three 400HPS lights on them, about 14" to 18" from the tops.
  4. lordj

    Buds are Weak

    I'm almost 8 weeks into flowering and my buds just aren't "filling out". I'm growing indoors in Canna Coco, 13 plants, most of them are Red Dragon with 4 White Widows, an Orange Bud (it looks the best) and a Pineapple Express. Is there a nute lockup going on? My PH is between 5.5 and 5.9...
  5. lordj

    Distance from Light to Plants

    Here's a chart that might help.
  6. lordj

    spider mites a new way to blast those pesky critters

    You know what else works? Ladybugs. You can get them at a nursery for $10 for 1,000 bugs. They eat everything but can't eat your plants because their system can't digest plant material. Works for me!
  7. lordj

    CFL ligting advise needed.

    Yeah, more light equals more bud production... see if you can post some pics. If you're in a confined space you might have to stick to CFLs.
  8. lordj

    CFL ligting advise needed.

    How many plants? Pros and cons using HPS vs. CFLs for flowering, but I think you'll find most of the people here use the HPS light. I use CFLs for vegging, combined with a metal halide.
  9. lordj

    Blueberry and Mango in Coco!

    Pros and cons about the boost...I've used it but others haven't. Might try the next grow without it.
  10. lordj

    Blueberry and Mango in Coco!

    I followed the complete schedule on Canna's site. It's the generic schedule. I used the Rhizotonic, Boost, Cannazym and the PK as well as the A&B. I've heard people only using the A&B and getting good results. The Boost is damn expensive.
  11. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    Dude, turn your lights off and use a flash for the pics...they look good, but it's hard to tell..
  12. lordj

    thinking about soilless grow

    I use Canna coco... and have never looked back. You can't overwater them and they are practically disease free...go to the website. You can't mention MJ but there is enough info to get you started. It's a great medium to grow in. A little more expensive than Fox Farm soil but well...
  13. lordj

    GM stock

    If you had 20 grand to put on Ford in March of 2009, it would be worth a little over $300,000 today. F**K me!
  14. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    Surely you can find bigger pots...even 5 or 6 gallon pots would be better than what you're using.
  15. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    Reject, I think you should transplant now. I've found that the ideal size is around 4 gallon pots. Your 9 liter pots are going to be a little small and if the roots are coming out of the bottom of the your current pots, the time transplant is now. What medium are you using? If it's soil, mix it...
  16. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    Thanks, bigv...62º temps explain your close lamps... I'm in a spare room and always between 75º-83º and had a bad experience with too close lamps. What's your medium? I went to Coco 3 grows ago and never looked back.
  17. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    They're lookin' good, reject. Keep doin' what ur doin'. What size are the pots?
  18. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    bigv1976, you still didn't explain how you manage the heat, which would be beneficial to Reject. And since we're showing off pics, here's some buds I grew that never saw the HPS closer than 16":
  19. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    OK BigV...leave the 400W light 8" away, don't control the heat and report back in 7-10 days with what you have.
  20. lordj

    We have a little runt so it seems...?

    If u use a 400W HPS or Metal Halide, you'll burn the plants with a distance of 30cm. Need to almost triple the distance. They're too young for intense heat like that. Also, a rotating fan on low speed will strengthen the stems, make 'em thick and hearty.