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  1. M

    First time(ish) grower from South Wales looking for someone to talk to

    Hi, I've just done my first grow, all from seed and all turned out to be males. Now I'm looking for someone in my area to, I suppose, be 'grow buddies' or something. Advice is always good and cuttings are even better!!!
  2. M

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi guys, Sorry for going a bit off topic here. I live in the South Wales area and have just done my first grow from seed only to find out that they're all males. Feels like I've just wasted months of my life and a load of electricity! Next I'd like to get some cuttings, then I'll know I'm...
  3. M

    First grow - Attic Room - UK

    Thanks for the luck. What makes you say that it needs more light?
  4. M

    First grow - Attic Room - UK

    So after being on holiday for 10 days I came back and found that my friend hadn't watered them as much as I like and some of the leaves have turned brown and crispy. After a few days though they are back to full fitness. The room is nearly ready, I have an extractor fan that is going in the...
  5. M

    Brown spot on leaf

    I need to bump them up or they are bumped up? Also any idea on a good veg food? There the lowest two fan leaves have got the spots on and so too the next set up. From what I've read people have said that they are meant to dry and fall off, is this correct? The rest of the planet looks good...
  6. M

    Brown spot on leaf

    bump.... there are more of these brown spots now, any ideas anyone?!?
  7. M

    Brown spot on leaf

    Hey newbie here, this is my first time growing and I've got a brown spot on one of my leaves. Would someone be able to help pleeeeeeeease!!! also I've started a journal, check it out:
  8. M

    First grow - Attic Room - UK

    Hi all, noobie here. This is my first post and my first grow. I got fed up of paying silly prices and getting random measures / quality so i thought i'd give growing my own a shot. I've been given seeds by some friends who grown in a green house and have no idea what seeds I've got! I've built...