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  1. Grow4Profit

    BUGS!!! ants, gnats, flying ants!!!

    I just read about Azamax from GH. It's all organic and you can use it up untill the day you harvest. You may also want to get some panda plastic, a staple gun, and some gorilla tape and seal off your room so no bugs get in.
  2. Grow4Profit

    Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }

    I read this earlier in this thread but it seems way too dangerous. If 2k PPM can kill your plants and 4k PPM is harmful to humans, then 10k PPM seems way too dangerous. I would stick to spraying for pests. I just heard from my friend that GH has an organic spray (Azamax) that will kill anything...
  3. Grow4Profit

    Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }

    I'm running 120 plants in flower and 120 plants in veg. 2-3 weeks of veg and 8 weeks of flower. Veg room with 6 1000 watt lights (soon to be 600 watt) and 12 750 watt (acctualy 6 -600's and 6-750's but I'm moving the 600's to veg and adding 6 more 750's). I've got the Chhc-1 wich controlls all...
  4. Grow4Profit

    school bus

    you gonna use the Short Bus? Go Stupid. Go Dumb.
  5. Grow4Profit

    Co2 **The Big Debate***

    yes. sorry. i ment 1,600-1,400.
  6. Grow4Profit

    Co2 **The Big Debate***

    I have heard so many different opinions on the subject of Co2 as far as the proper PPM, Temp, Humidity. I wanted to see what other people had heard. How many PPMs are you running? What Temperature and humidity is your room for maximum benefit? How long is your room staying at an elevated...
  7. Grow4Profit

    Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }

    Is this true? 4k ppm is toxic to humans. 2k ppm is toxic to plants. I'm sure 10k will kill all the bugs but will it kill everything else(plants) also?
  8. Grow4Profit

    Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }

    There should be a lever on your window a/c that will allow you to recirculate the inside air instead of dumping it out.
  9. Grow4Profit

    Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }

    I have the CHHC-1 and a sentinel PMX-2 power expansion modual for my 240volt a/c I haven't hooked the a/c up yet because I haven't needed it but in theory this should work. I love the CHHC-1 it does everything I need and is very simple to use. I got mine at a player price of $480 plus tax $520...
  10. Grow4Profit

    Has anyone used the HydroGEN Water cooled Co2 Generator?

    I'm just hella lazy and haven't got to it yet. Imma do it this week...Hopefully.
  11. Grow4Profit

    Has anyone used the HydroGEN Water cooled Co2 Generator?

    Here are some pix of my setup...
  12. Grow4Profit

    Has anyone used the HydroGEN Water cooled Co2 Generator?

    I have two exhaust fans, a 1050 cfm 10" can fan, and a old 750 cfm 10"vortex running out of two seperat Carbon filters and Y into one exhaust outlet. I may have to run another 1050 can fan and filter because of smell. I'm also running 2 800 cfm fans from a carbon filter in the veg room through...
  13. Grow4Profit

    Has anyone used the HydroGEN Water cooled Co2 Generator?

    Ok. That's great to know. I wish it had a bigger deadband but I think I can make it work,
  14. Grow4Profit

    My Small Closet Grow **PIX**

    Damn it!!! I've got powdery mildew. I'm starting the 7th week of flower so I guesse there's nothin I can do about it.
  15. Grow4Profit

    Has anyone used the HydroGEN Water cooled Co2 Generator?

    I really like the generator but haven't got it all dialed in with the brain yet. I'm in a fairly big room and still trying to figure out how to control smell heat and PPM's all together. I think I have it though. From what I've gathered the Chhc-1 has a deadband feature wich does the...
  16. Grow4Profit

    My Small Closet Grow **PIX**

    Here are some more pix from week 5.
  17. Grow4Profit

    how much electricity is too much?

    Because the stock market is in a recession and the pot market is up and thriving. This is a unique opportunity because pot is almost legal here but it's not quite legal. Meaning you can grow with minimal consequences and still have the high prices of a banned substance.
  18. Grow4Profit

    how much electricity is too much?

    Yes. I agree with you whole heartedly. The fact that I have to give so much of my income to PG&E is almost criminal. I feel like i'm being raped and robbed but I have know other choice if I am to do what I am doing. I just have to bend over and take it up the culo with no lube whatsoever.
  19. Grow4Profit

    how much electricity is too much?

    I grow for profit... I rent the houses. some are from people I know and some aren't. I have a team working under me to manage the day to day stuff as well as a partener to run things. I have a day job as a stock broker for a major wall street firm. The DOW's down 130 and the S&P just broke...
  20. Grow4Profit

    how much electricity is too much?

    I'm running 18 lights. 12-750's and 6-600's with fans and pumps and paying $2000 to $2500 per month. I have 4 other houses doing the same thing and all paying for PG&E. . basicly I have to give up Two of my flowering lights to pay for power. So i harvest 10 lights instead of 12. By paying for...