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  1. A

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Help my aeroponic/NFT has gone without water for approximately 24 hrs and everything is looking really sad (the leaves are all vertical) but everything is still moist. is there anything i can do to help them? new water? lower my ppm? any water treatments? I just restocked the res with 1500 ppm...
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    Curling Leaves w/ pics

    Things are looking a lot better since i lifted the lights to 4" away and i began to do some misting of my leaves. The yellowing of the tips that i was concerned about has indeed turned to brown and died :( but the yellowing and cupping has ceased to continue so i guess whatever damage was done...
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    Curling Leaves w/ pics

    The temp of the room is at 78 degrees (with the lights on) only going down to 70 (room temperature) when the lights are off, I have the plants on a 20/4 cycle the lights are currently 4.5 inches from the plant (yesterday they were 2 inches so I'm hoping that it makes a difference) I am using a...
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    Curling Leaves w/ pics

    I haven't used any nutes at all and the leaves seem to be cupping from their stem first and then outward. there is also slight yellowing again starting at the base of the leaf and maintaining at the outside of the leaf before moving inward toward the center. Nothing seems like its dying but i...
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    Curling Leaves w/ pics

    Okay, this is my first grow, and ive finally come across a problem that it seems i cant solve after digging through numerous threads. A common symptom I know... but the leaves of my plants are curling upward from the sides. They are approximately 2 weeks old (out of the dirt). I'm using pro-mix...